OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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good for them, she is terrible.

‘Roseanne’ Canceled by ABC After Roseanne Barr’s ‘Repugnant’ Comments, Network President Says

After reading Sarah Gilbert’s tweets, I think the show should continue, but Roseanne’s character should be killed off during the break, or have her character recast. And if recast, make her the most left wing, Trump hating character on TV just to piss that racist asshole off.
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Black Defendants Get Longer Sentences From Republican-Appointed Judges, Study Finds

Judges appointed by Republican presidents gave longer sentences to black defendants and shorter ones to women than judges appointed by Democrats, according to a new study that analyzed data on more than half a million defendants.

“Republican-appointed judges sentence black defendants to three more months than similar nonblacks and female defendants to two fewer months than similar males compared with Democratic-appointed judges,” the study found, adding, “These differences cannot be explained by other judge characteristics and grow substantially larger when judges are granted more discretion.”

The study was conducted by two professors at Harvard Law School, Alma Cohen and Crystal S. Yang. They examined the sentencing practices of about 1,400 federal trial judges over more than 15 years, relying on information from the Federal Judicial Center, the United States Sentencing Commission and the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse University.

Douglas A. Berman, an authority on sentencing law at Ohio State University, said the study contained “amazing new empirical research.”[snip]

The study’s authors stress that they don’t know exactly why the disparities exist, though I have an idea. “Our results, however, do suggest that Republican- and Democratic-appointed judges treat defendants differently on the basis of their race and gender given that we observe robust disparities despite the random assignment of cases to judges within the same court,” they wrote.

The result? Republican presidents make the criminal justice system more racially discriminatory. “Our estimates suggest that a 10 percentage point increase in the share of Republican-appointed judges in each court would increase the racial sentencing gap by approximately 5 percent and the gender sentencing gap by roughly 2 percent,” the study’s authors wrote, adding that a Republican president could alter the makeup of the courts by as much as 15 points.

The authors also say that Trump is potentially making all of this worse by not submitting his judicial picks to the American Bar Association’s Standing Committee for evaluation before he nominates them; he and George W. Bush are the only presidents since Dwight Eisenhower not to do so. Trump’s attorney general, Jeff Sessions, also steadfastly opposes sentencing reforms that might, you know, fix this problem.
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After reading Sarah Gilbert’s tweets, I think the show should continue, but Roseanne’s character should be killed off during the break, or have her character recast. And if recast, make her the most left wing, Trump hating character on TV just to piss that racist bitch off.

The existence of racist women doesn’t make misogyny ok.
Wow ABC got ahead of that controversy fast.

I was expecting them to milk it for at least a week or more


“That bitch”

Rosanne Barr is a disgusting human being who happens to be a woman. I don't dislike her for being a woman, I dislike her for being an asshole. I don't throw them word bitch around flippantly, it is reserved for the most vile people, and Rosanne happens to be one of them. It has been noted, that you take offense to it, and I will not use it here again.

BTW, I have 2 daughters, who I took to the women's march along with my wife and we are raising them to be strong confident women.
Rosanne Barr is a disgusting human being who happens to be a woman. I don't dislike her for being a woman, I dislike her for being an asshole. I don't throw them word bitch around flippantly, it is reserved for the most vile people, and Rosanne happens to be one of them. It has been noted, that you take offense to it, and I will not use it here again.

BTW, I have 2 daughters, who I took to the women's march along with my wife and we are raising them to be strong confident women.

I’m not calling you a misogynist, but I don’t think it’s a word than men have a right to use in that kind of context.

Times change.
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