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If it hasn't been mentioned...
Ancient Apocalypse is great. Visits to amazing sites which fuel historic theories of anthropology with evidence which has been ignored by the establishment for a long time. I have watched it multiple times. If you know Graham Hancock, he is the presenter. I love that kind of thing.
i hated it. It’s hokum and pretty obvious. His whole spiel is:
- has a far-out hypothesis about something > builds bigger case by now presenting the previous far-out hypothesis as fact > builds bigger case by presenting the previous idea as fact > continue ad infinitum.
He is a clever salesman and knows his case is fanciful nonsense. That’s why he tries to discredit scientists by claiming he is censored and ignored by close-minded scientists. People tend to favour an ignored ridiculed underdog, so that is his approach.
I find it insidious that in order to sell his books and ‘documentaries’ he trues to discredit credible scientists. He selectively quotes, leaves out relevant details that doesn’t match his hokum.
here’s a pretty in-depth rebuttal to all his claims: