2018 Concert Thread

I’m missing the Phish show tonight. It would have been only my second time to see them in 20 years. And I have tix. And I’m missing it.


@MarkWein, you didn't tell us you were touring with Foghat!

The second big concert of the summer has come and gone for me. The wife and I rode the bike up to Anderson, IN for the Foghat and George Thorogood show.

Foghat was, as I expected, not very interesting. I really don't understand how anyone could claim to be Foghat without Price and Peverett, but hey, I guess it keeps four musicians off the street. Competent but uninspired versions of the Foghat catalog.

George Thorogood, on the other hand, rocked the huge geriatric crowd. To my surprise, most of the audience stood during his entire set. Thankfully, there was no senior boobies flashed.

Seriously, Thorogood still puts on a great show. He's not as energetic as his old days (he's 68, so understandable), but he still has more stage presence than 90% of the performers I see today. He knows how to work up a crowd, then deliver.

He's hired a lead guitar player who handles most of the wheedlie wheedlie bits, but old George can still rock the hell out of slide. He played Epiphones all evening - no Gibson ES-125 (his trademark guitar) to be seen.

All in all, I was extremely pleased. I've been wanting to see Thorogood for a LONG time.

The hour we sat on the bike in 90 degree weather waiting to get on I465 on the way home was not fun.
I saw MindMaze last night near Detroit. Cool show at a very small club in downtown Ferndale. 2nd time I've seen them, the other time was in 2015.

Interesting to note that as an internationally known recording act that has toured the States several times, that both the bass player and guitarist use Balsa & Spit guitars/basses. The bass player's main bass is an SX 5-string, and the guitarist's 'Strat' is a baby-blue SX (he mainly plays an Epiphone Les Paul though).
My brothers just attended the Seattle PJ homeshow (well, 1 of 2) last night. They had a great time, from up in the nosebleed seats. I will be up in Missoula, MT in the 10 club front pit, much closer, in a few days, with my 18 year old son. so looking forward to it! Temps are scheduled to ease, hopefully, hopefully, smoke will remain moderate, and it should be fun! My brother was able to land this stuff, though, that looks super tasty. But looks to be only a Seattle thing. Darn.

My next concert is Night Demon, on the 18th.

Thanks to Mrs. @micwalt when they play this song, I'll be singing "Squids In The Night..."

Night Demon was excellent. They might be a bit of a one-trick pony, but their energy onstage was great. Only played for 75 minutes, but tickets were only $10 so I can't complain.
Voodoo Threauxdown on Tuesday was a blast.

New Breed Brass Band started. They brought their own percussion on stage just like a second line.
Preservation Hall Jazz Band was next. They had a kit set up on stage.
Galactic was next. They had a kit on stage. Crazy good drummer.
Trombone Shorty was next with two kits on stage.

So, yeah. When things got started there were 4 kits set up on stage and the first band didn’t use any of them but had drums.

Walter Wolfamn Washington sat in with Galactic for a few songs.
Galactic had a female singer, Erica Falls, for some of the songs. Amazing. She does this vocal solo thing that’s unreal.
Cyril Neville joined Trombone Shorty for a couple of songs.

All are great musicians. This might be a weird thing to notice, but the professionalism was evident with every band. Not just the music. The way they treated each other.
When Cyril Neville was on, Shorty was no longer the frontman. He blended into the horn section or the other side of the stage with the piano.
And everyone was introduced along with a mention of from which Ward they hailed.
Concert report. It was awesome! We were 15 feet back from the wall, directly in front of Stone Gossard. There was a great (get out the vote festival first, we got some great mountain biking in, camped in a nice spot in my camper, and had a grand time!



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They didn't play this in Missoula, but wanted to post it, just because of the great camera work on McCready's hands on his solo, and just it is good stuff.

They’re gonna be down the road by Dayton next month. Ticket sales seem to be verrrrrrrrrrry slow, and its not a huge venue. Hmmmmmmmm...

It was a damn good show. I went primarily for The Magpie Salute, so I wish they'd gotten more than 45 minutes, but they also came out and did about 20 minutes with Mule for the encore, so that was excellent. Mule was pretty damned cool as well. I am pleased that I went, and I really dig the venue. Going to see Yes there next month, and I see more shows there in my future.