This mornings drive to work.

-18°F on my car's infotainment screen on my drive home from work this morning.

On the plus side, there is hardly any wind, so yesterday with the -12°F + the 40mph winds it probably felt colder yesterday.
We made in through January (our coldest month) with only one day at sub-zero. And that was only -1. It has been a fairly mild winter here so far. Continued mojo for all in the midwest and northeast. That is 7th level of hell cold.
You guys in the Midwest are getting hammered. Normally, I'd complain about the -3°F that was on my home thermometer this morning, but I should count myself lucky.
The polar vortex thing is really doing a number on a lot of places.

Winnipeg was -40 C within the last couple of days. For ease of calculation, it happens to be where the C and F scales are equal (or so the converters say). I was in Saskatchewan in 1996 and it was -73 C including wind chill. I think that's -99 F. That's reall F cold.