Nothing like a 26 degree temp swing to ruin your outfit choice for the day.

well the problem really starts when iot's in the upper thirties and then it hits like 73 or so...if you walk the dog in the dark like me and then work outdoors it can be problematic...ya gotta throw on some long undie bottoms (I wear paper thing mechanics pants) and then by 11 you are overheating so you gotta do the Mr. Rodgers thing and change....woe is me...I have it rough :embarrassed:
Campus was closed today and tomorrow (supposedly for the first time in a bazillion years or something) so I'm at home catching up on grading and grant reviews and baking bread (which is 100% justifiable as supplemental house heating)
I was out shoveling in 32 'murican degrees today.

In Canada, we don't consider that anything so we call it zero.

I wore a t shirt, sweat pants and a raincoat.
Currently 67 here. I rode to the gym in shorts and a tshirt at 10 when it was a bone chilling 53. :grin:

Mojo to the midwest guys. I've skied at -40 so I feel for you. Just glad I don't feel it now :Wave:
Hola Chicago, you're looking a bit frigid

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Too good to poop on the south side, huh? *spits*
He hasn't even been back to the south side once since he moved away. Really turned his back on his old stomping grounds, but he still likes to get all take-charge on little fluffy soft north side dogs likes he's the baddest dude on the block *spits*