'Mericuh: where only bombing Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan makes you happy.
We need to make up a drinking game based around this: http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/26/politics/bernie-sanders-donald-trump-debate/index.html
We need to make up a drinking game based around this: http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/26/politics/bernie-sanders-donald-trump-debate/index.html
Someone has to convince Trump to pick Sanders as his VP. It would be the ticket that pisses off the entire world.
I've mentioned this possibility before. While it sounds crazy, it would make Trump a lead pipe cinch for the White House, and it would be a poetic way for Sanders to give a HUGE middle finger to Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the Democratic party, and their super delegates.
I'd like to think that Sanders has more integrity than to accept if offered, but you never know.
The only way that could work is if Trump pulled a W and let Bernie take the reins like Cheney.
Even if Trump offered that, I would lose all respect for Bernie if he did it.
Even if Trump offered that, I would lose all respect for Bernie if he did it.
You have to admit, it is the ONLY way that Trump could guarantee a win in the general election.
Trumbern...Burn the trump! Or wait.... Trump the burn? I'm confused
It’s the second way. The more likely one is that Clinton will run a terrible campaign and tank herself. She’s already leaning that way by wasting money on anti-Trump ads. Trump was pissing America off before anybody outside of Arkansas even knew who the Clintons are. Clinton doesn’t need to attack him. She needs to work on improving her own horrible negative image so that people will at least hold their noses and vote for her instead of just not voting.