OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Just the worst.
Except maybe Idaho. They keep passing obviously unconstitutional stuff, then spending gobs of taxpayer money "defending" the "will of the people". Makes me so mad. If private attorneys take frivolous legal positions, they can have fees assessed against them. Personally as well as owed by their clients. I wish the US courts would hold our governor and state leg responsible and make them pay out of their own pockets back into the state fund.
We need a constitutional amendment that would hold lawmakers personally financially responsible for the costs involved when they pass laws that attempt to trump federal law or the US Constitution.

This is political grandstanding, pure and simple, and it will be paid for by the citizens of Oklahoma.

The taxpayers voted these people in, and they will likely support this legislation. Fuck 'em. They should have to reimburse the federal courts.
We need a constitutional amendment that would hold lawmakers personally financially responsible for the costs involved when they pass laws that attempt to trump federal law or the US Constitution.

This is political grandstanding, pure and simple, and it will be paid for by the citizens of Oklahoma.
there maybe should be some kind of state board of legal review PRIOR to the final vote on new or modifying state laws, specifically to determine if the bill/law is unconstitutional/illegal and the board would recommend that the bill not be passed. THEN if they pass it over the recommendation anyway, and the law is overturned by the courts, those that voted for the bill should be recalled from office.

but that would never happen because it make too damn much sense and the elected officials would NEVER vote for something like that, that could possibly get them kicked out of office some day.
The taxpayers voted these people in, and they will likely support this legislation. Fuck 'em. They should have to reimburse the federal courts.
Except the minority of residents in those states, who are supposed to be protected from the majority by the constitution. so in addition to reimbursing the feds, the state coffers should be compensated as well.
Except the minority of residents in those states, who are supposed to be protected from the majority by the constitution. so in addition to reimbursing the feds, the state coffers should be compensated as well.

They should move.

(Not entirely serious; for those who neither idiots not able to relocate, you have my sympathy)

Edit: based on scant lazy research, at least half of those people are either black or Native American. Go figure. Kudos.
Federal law isn't the end all and be all of what is just.

Look at Marijuana (medical and otherwise) where the fed has been a disaster, and the states (well some of them) are the progressive ones.
Of course not. The Midwest and the South have votes.



Tangent, but how did Carter win West Virginia?
I am more for a strong constitution protecting the minority, but allowing individuals and states to act as freely as possible without trampling constitutionally protected areas. In that, I am kind of a classic liberal, but moderated with certain social liberal ideals to help protect the minorities and underprivileged economically. Rights without the ability to use them do not exist. and it takes at least a base of financial and home stability to do much. But, I am not a fan of the fed uber alles.
I am more for a strong constitution protecting the minority, but allowing individuals and states to act as freely as possible without trampling constitutionally protected areas. In that, I am kind of a classic liberal, but moderated with certain social liberal ideals to help protect the minorities and underprivileged economically. Rights without the ability to use them do not exist. and it takes at least a base of financial and home stability to do much. But, I am not a fan of the fed uber alles.

Chain as good as its weakest link, etc.
We need a constitutional amendment that would hold lawmakers personally financially responsible for the costs involved when they pass laws that attempt to trump federal law or the US Constitution.

This is political grandstanding, pure and simple, and it will be paid for by the citizens of Oklahoma.

I don't agree. While I don't agree with this bill, without laws passed and challenged up to the supreme court, how would things change. I think the ban on marijuana is stupid but it is a federal law, and states have passed laws attempting to trump the federal law.
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