OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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I met Nancy and she was a wonderful lady. I was at children's hospital after one of my many surgeries and she was there visiting kids. It's funny, I met her at children's hospital, I met George HW Bush when he came to my high school for a lunch photo op, and I met Bob Dole on my way to the metro. He got out of a car walked right up to me, shook my hand with his good arm and said, "Hi, I'm Bob Dole." It wasn't long after he lost the election.

i'm sure she was a very nice lady. a bit out of touch tho.....oh was ronnie.
If that happens, it will be FAKE NEWS. And rigged. Rigged fake news.


after all the bullshit that orange asshole has made tantrums about the 'leaks'.....if it turns out it's him.....the media will become voracious pirranah in a heartbeat, and there won't be anywhere on this planet he will be able to get away from it.

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Boy, finding out one of your cousins is a lunatic prior to ever meeting him in person is a great advantage of facebook.

These people only deflect, deflect, deny, deflect....Hillary, Bengazi...."that was investigated 7 times"......."COVER UP!!! WE WANT THE TRUTH!!!". "You liberal snowflakes never critique Obama....." [I critique Obama] "But Trump is actually doing things..." point out that things aren't actually getting done... repeat ad nauseam..
Boy, finding out one of your cousins is a lunatic prior to ever meeting him in person is a great advantage of facebook.

These people only deflect, deflect, deny, deflect....Hillary, Bengazi...."that was investigated 7 times"......."COVER UP!!! WE WANT THE TRUTH!!!". "You liberal snowflakes never critique Obama....." [I critique Obama] "But Trump is actually doing things..." point out that things aren't actually getting done... repeat ad nauseam..

You know who else "did things"? Hitler. /s
after all the bullshit that orange asshole has made tantrums about the 'leaks'.....if it turns out it's him.....the media will become voracious pirranah in a heartbeat, and there won't be anywhere on this planet he will be able to get away from it.

Nah, Trump, his supporters, and all the conservative news outlets (including Fox) will blame it on whatever carrier Trump's phone is on, and google for putting the vulnerabilities in Android to begin with. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, Obama, Clinton, and Soros will have been the driving force behind this espionage.
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