Fucking insane. I hate you because your mythology is different than mine. Why the fuck can't people just let others believe what they want and not try to force their beliefs on others?
Appears he's keeping his word and isn't afraid to call it like he see's instead of sticking his head in the sand hoping to be elected to a second term. No no one bought his promises. He made them he's delivering. The last to do that was Reagan and the same type people losing their mind now due to losing the election called Reagan the anti-christ.I don't care about polls. The actual meat of that article is the fact that Trump seems to be coming apart at the seams over issues that should not concern a real president of the united states. And the fact that within two weeks he has a significant portion of the country unhappy (and you don't need polls to see this) with his rush to dismantle the government and pay off campaign promises.
Well, Trump made a lot of promises that even if they were good ideas should have taken more time to properly research and implement. Even his own party can't bring themselves to completely kill the ACA because they don't have a proper replacement worked out (what have they been doing for the last six years that they've been bitching about Obamacare?) and it's obvious that they can't now just turn off the healthcare spigot to their constituents. The "travel ban" should have itself been vetted by lawyers and other diplomatic professionals before being dumped on everyones plate like a week old fish. You can't "call it like it is" and then blindly do those things just because you said them during the campaign. Reality and practicality need to be observed. Instead he is making the lives of even those who are on his side a living hell because of his capriciousness and inability to think the consequences of his knee-jerk reactions through. You can sign anything you want. Making it real takes a little forethought.Appears he's keeping his word and isn't afraid to call it like he see's instead of sticking his head in the sand hoping to be elected to a second term. No no one bought his promises. He made them he's delivering. The last to do that was Reagan and the same type people losing their mind now due to losing the election called Reagan the anti-christ.
Well, Trump made a lot of promises that even if they were good ideas should have taken more time to properly research and implement. Even his own party can't bring themselves to completely kill the ACA because they don't have a proper replacement worked out (what have they been doing for the last six years that they've been bitching about Obamacare?) and it's obvious that they can't now just turn off the healthcare spigot to their constituents. The "travel ban" should have itself been vetted by lawyers and other diplomatic professionals before being dumped on everyones plate like a week old fish. You can't "call it like it is" and then blindly do those things just because you said them during the campaign. Reality and practicality need to be observed. Instead he is making the lives of even those who are on his side a living hell because of his capriciousness and inability to think the consequences of his knee-jerk reactions through. You can sign anything you want. Making it real takes a little forethought.
All examples of why he is tremendously unqualified for the job. Running the government is nothing like running a business. And yeah, if the republicans in office were worth anything, they would have worked up a plan in the last 6 years instead of trying to repeal the ACA knowing that in order to repeal it, they would have to get Obama to sign the repeal, which wasn't going to happen. I don't think a single one is against the ACA, I think they are against a black Democrat got it through.
Well, they have to put a check on insurance prices, drug prices, cost of some things in Dr's/hospital/urgent care visits (in my case, my doctor charges the insurance co. $200 to listen to a patient thru her stethoscope... ridiculous... )
That's what's wrong with the ACA. If everyone is forced to buy your product, but there is no checks & balance on how much you can charge...![]()
Well....that's exactly what people who voted for him wanted; they liked the idea of an 'outsider' who would just say, fuck the system.
But, keep in mind what we're seeing right now is that he's playing fast & loose with the powers of the executive branch. Yeah, that's dangerous enough but what we have yet to see if how far the legislative branch is willing to let him go or back the entirety of his agenda when it comes to changing the laws that govern this country. We've already seen they've rebuked the idea of even considering term limits & are pretty well aware what's at risk in 2018 if they screw too much up. McConnell & some other party loyalists are breaking away from blind support on Russia & torture. The most surprising outcome of this administration may be that the Republican party decides to pull back from the edge somewhat and move a little toward center & all many people previously apathetic about politics may start giving a crap.
It's easy to point out flaws in a plan and much harder to come up with the plan in the first place.
Well, they have to put a check on insurance prices, drug prices, cost of some things in Dr's/hospital/urgent care visits (in my case, my doctor charges the insurance co. $200 to listen to a patient thru her stethoscope... ridiculous... )
That's what's wrong with the ACA. If everyone is forced to buy your product, but there is no checks & balance on how much you can charge...![]()
Yes, this.Toward the Jewish individual I would say no. Toward the government of Israel, yes, increasingly so.
In all fairness the republicans named it that out of spite, hoping the public would despise the plan and automatically attach Obama's name to an ultimately failing plan. The dems and Obama embraced it as things starting started going well, like anyone does with a nickname.Yeah, what Lerxst said. Most of the flaws in the ACA, were really flaws with health care long before the ACA was drafted. The ACA didn't go far enough but that wasn't from a lack of trying. They didn't have a filibuster proof majority so they had to make concessions to get it through. Instead of spending 6 years of trying to repeal a law that would have needed Obama's signature to repeal, they should have worked on improving the law, but no way would they make something nicknamed after a democratic president get better.
Fucking insane. I hate you because your mythology is different than mine. Why the fuck can't people just let others believe what they want and not try to force their beliefs on others?
Yes, this.
I'm totally able to hate Netanyahu and his type while embracing prominent Jews such as Miyam Bialik without being an anti Semite.
It's the same as saying black on black crime is terrible in Detroit and being labelled a racist for bringing it up.
Prominent Jew Miyam Bialik