Kick Henry Jackassowski
oh....i agree there are issues and they seem to point them out.....but then they blame this side or that side to get votes. and their solutions to the problems are bullshit.
we need employ people HERE. that's my problem with the "global economy". the greedy corps use it as an excuse to move jobs out of the country. that's not what it's supposed to be.
Globalism isn’t the bad on its own. The problem is the combination of globalism and anti-tax movements like Thatcherism and Reaganomics. Globalism would be ok if the resulting profits were taxed to retrain workers and update our education system so kids aren’t being educated for the 1950s economy. But we keep cutting taxes, creating new tax loopholes, giving out subsidies in the form of tax incentives, and letting businesses stash money in bank accounts all over the world. We should be taxing the living shit out of Apple and its investors to educate the workers Tim Cook complains that America doesn’t have. And when tax dodgers like Cook show up in Washington complaining about our schools Liz Warren should cave their faces in with a bat and tell tech firms that if they want educated employees they need to pay taxes and stop stashing piles of money abroad.