I think their plan is to simply exasperate people, libs get tired of protesting, right gets emboldened from "getting tired of their shit". They're stoking the fires of civil war IMO.
If you take the 10,000 mile view, they've been pretty furiously ticking off some actions he pledged to do during the that wall, gut ACA, keep out the muslims, attack sanctuary cities, withdraw from existing trade agreements, put keystone XL and DAPL back online, appointed a conservative SCJ & froze Federal hiring and contracting. If you're a Trump supporter & backed these actions, you've got to be pretty happy with this so far.
At the same time, he has taken up a very socially conservative agenda to promote specifically christian causes/ideals that we're hinted at during the campaign but I don't think anyone took seriously enough or expected to be so regressive. Not really in character with who DJT has been all these years. If you're in the religious right or alt-right, you've got to be doing backflips.
He isn't locking her up, he's cancelled draining the swamp & instead trading front row seats in the swamp to billionaires in return for support. All those wall street fat cats, that he accused HRC being a puppet for, are now in his administration...which is conveniently de-regulating their industry so they can profit more from main street. No, Mexico ain't paying for that wall; we are. What? you actually benefited from ACA? Sucks to be you. If you're that little guy that thought DJT was in your corner, you might be scratching your head now (if you've been paying attention).
Throw in the WTF deluge of bizarre squabbles & alternative facts that have been playing out all over the media, the administration's war against the media & attempt to control what is perceived as truth, a love of torture & who gives a shit attitude to human rights, whitewashing/rejection of accepted science, twitter attacks on members of the judicial and legislative branches, stressing relationships with long time allies while pulling adversaries like Russia in closer. ...yeah, it's a carnival side show that keeps everyone else on their toes and makes it impossible to focus any criticism or opposition, likely by design.