OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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that's a lot to read.

what does that say about someone who doesn't have a facebook.....uses their cell phone to actually make phone calls.....never texts and doesn't follow any social media at all?

how did all that bullshit affect that person?

it didn't

Forget Facebook. Everything you do online also leaves a trail. It absolutely affects you.
Some liberal activists are now trying to build momentum for a general strike. On the Friday before president’s day. Because nothing says commitment like a one-day strike that turns into a four-day weekend.
This may have been posted in this thread a few days ago, but I didn't read it until now. 1984 type stuff.

So if you step right back and look at all this, what do we see? We see a data science firm with Steve Bannon on the board, bigly claims about its powers, whose exact methodology is unclear to us. We see a candidate, Donald Trump, who used the same successful strategy right the way through his campaign whether he was employing Cambridge Analytica or a random dude with HTML skills. We have another candidate, Ted Cruz, who used the same firm and tanked. We have another candidate, Hillary Clinton, who used something very similar to Cambridge Analytica and also lost.

How exactly do you turn all that into the story of an unstoppable data science behemoth?
Some liberal activists are now trying to build momentum for a general strike. On the Friday before president’s day. Because nothing says commitment like a one-day strike that turns into a four-day weekend.

I'm pretty sure me doing my job is way more offensive to this administration than walking out of it would be.
So if you step right back and look at all this, what do we see? We see a data science firm with Steve Bannon on the board, bigly claims about its powers, whose exact methodology is unclear to us. We see a candidate, Donald Trump, who used the same successful strategy right the way through his campaign whether he was employing Cambridge Analytica or a random dude with HTML skills. We have another candidate, Ted Cruz, who used the same firm and tanked. We have another candidate, Hillary Clinton, who used something very similar to Cambridge Analytica and also lost.

How exactly do you turn all that into the story of an unstoppable data science behemoth?

Thanks. It was a good article but I knew someone here would have another side of the story. :thu:

And this quote from the second Bloomberg article is great:

"To be sure, there's plenty to be appalled at in this story. The asymmetry of information represented by this new generation of political ads, tailored to the exact personality type and browsing history of each voter, is scary enough on its face. It's a threat to democracy that directly undermines the notion of an informed citizenry. It's just not specific to Trump."
Thanks. It was a good article but I knew someone here would have another side of the story. :thu:

And this quote from the second Bloomberg article is great:

"To be sure, there's plenty to be appalled at in this story. The asymmetry of information represented by this new generation of political ads, tailored to the exact personality type and browsing history of each voter, is scary enough on its face. It's a threat to democracy that directly undermines the notion of an informed citizenry. It's just not specific to Trump."

If you've not watched the Black Mirror at this point, don''s a little too close to reality these days.
Am I supposed to believe that because some white dude that sounds like he's hitting second puberty is bitching in his car over an Eminem backing track? Seriously, that's about everything that's wrong with white people. All he needed was some Justin Bieber and a douchier haircut.
Didn't even watch. In my experience these days, if someone needs to retreat to the privacy of their vehicle driving around in order to record their rant, they have nothing constructive to say.

Or they're afraid their parents will open the basement door and tell them to keep it down. Ruining their political punditry.
Am I supposed to believe that because some white dude that sounds like he's hitting second puberty is bitching in his car over an Eminem backing track? Seriously, that's about everything that's wrong with white people. All he needed was some Justin Bieber and a douchier haircut.

Yeah. But there's a shitload of youngish dudes like him. Many of them went to Uncle Sam'a brainwashing and terror fighting weekend camp and now have returned with some interesting ideas about America. Or if not that, they were kids/teens during W's patriotic circle jerk and they internalized a ton of jingoism and paranoia and counterfactual nonsense about white dudes and law and order being under assault.

I think this is a perspective this is gonna be around for a long time. And charmingly, almost all of these dudes that I've met are pretty hostile to conventional two party politics but not super good at philosophy so they're cool with ANY third party/seeming outsider. "Bernie didn't win?! I'm voting Libertarian?!? Or Trump?!!"

I mean, his argument is rooted in conservative values, but he also took a fairly anti-capitalist position re: competition and the free market. He basically said there is too much competition in the media and that's what causes "wrong news." That's the exact opposite of what a free marketeer would argue.

We should not be surprised by the coronation of King Trump. We had a hand in creating the people who have put him on the throne.
Yeah. But there's a shitload of youngish dudes like him. Many of them went to Uncle Sam'a brainwashing and terror fighting weekend camp and now have returned with some interesting ideas about America. Or if not that, they were kids/teens during W's patriotic circle jerk and they internalized a ton of jingoism and paranoia and counterfactual nonsense about white dudes and law and order being under assault.

I think this is a perspective this is gonna be around for a long time. And charmingly, almost all of these dudes that I've met are pretty hostile to conventional two party politics but not super good at philosophy so they're cool with ANY third party/seeming outsider. "Bernie didn't win?! I'm voting Libertarian?!? Or Trump?!!"

I mean, his argument is rooted in conservative values, but he also took a fairly anti-capitalist position re: competition and the free market. He basically said there is too much competition in the media and that's what causes "wrong news." That's the exact opposite of what a free marketeer would argue.

We should not be surprised by the coronation of King Trump. We had a hand in creating the people who have put him on the throne.

It's nothing but a young, inexperienced loudmouth with "views" that are self-contradictory because he's just parroting things he's heard and hasn't actually thought about.
Don't fuck w/ breitbart on Trump's watch
Don't fuck w/ breitbart on Trump's watch
View attachment 31759

I'm pretty sure, the president alone can't shut down funding to a college. Can we impeach him yet? His twitter account alone is a total embarrassment to our country. BTW, wasn't there a huge stink about Obama using his blackberry when he became president? If getting email was so crazy, why does this fool still get to use Twitter? Can the folks at Twitter shut down his account for the good of the country? Is there a petition we can start?
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