OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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ChuckyB posted a link to the entire transcript of his Black History Month comments on Facebook today:

Shit. It's almost as if he doesn't know a fucking thing about the trials and contributions that African Americans have experienced over the last couple of centuries in this country. Because most of that is about CNN and Fox news. Or at least didn't try to find a speech writer who know a little bit of something.

But wait, there's more.

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Well, yes, there is that. Still, I do not think it is as simple as splitting the country along red and blue. Additionally, I require all against painting with such a broad brush about people. Saying that all people in red states want what the radical right is pushing is like saying all German people like bratwurst.

Also, I still believe this divide and conquer attitude is playing right in to trump and Bannon's hand. I am not saying that we all will be fully United at any time much less soon. But there is a lot more common ground than the press and the political parties want us to see.

We won't be united in my lifetime, I doubt even my kids. Fox News and conservative radio have killed any common sense in this country.

And I welcome anyone from a red state that doesn't want what the right is pushing to my Blue States of America. Unlike the red states, we don't want a wall and will open our borders to those seeking shelter. :grin:
We won't be united in my lifetime, I doubt even my kids. Fox News and conservative radio have killed any common sense in this country.

And I welcome anyone from a red state that doesn't want what the right is pushing to my Blue States of America. Unlike the red states, we don't want a wall and will open our borders to those seeking shelter. :grin:

This is why I say it will be up to the states. If it gets bad enough, people will move. They'll move for inclusive statewide single payer health care and higher paying jobs. And the red states will get redder, and the blue states will get bluer. And the country will get more and more divided until it comes apart.
We won't be united in my lifetime, I doubt even my kids. Fox News and conservative radio have killed any common sense in this country.

And I welcome anyone from a red state that doesn't want what the right is pushing to my Blue States of America. Unlike the red states, we don't want a wall and will open our borders to those seeking shelter. :grin:
Yeah, but then I would have to deal with the sprawl, traffic, and much longer drives to legit mountain bike and hiking trails and terrain, and nordic and alpine skiing, which currently is literally (except alpine, have to drive 10 minutes to the hill) right out my door. And mall world. I would have to live near mall world, and a Jack in the Box every 15 feet.
This is why I say it will be up to the states. If it gets bad enough, people will move. They'll move for inclusive statewide single payer health care and higher paying jobs. And the red states will get redder, and the blue states will get bluer. And the country will get more and more divided until it comes apart.

The sooner this happens the better.
This is why I say it will be up to the states. If it gets bad enough, people will move. They'll move for inclusive statewide single payer health care and higher paying jobs. And the red states will get redder, and the blue states will get bluer. And the country will get more and more divided until it comes apart.

that presumes that the progression is linear. that no events occur that would override the self absorbed political attitude. when 9/11 happened, as with pearl harbor....everyone pulled together. ( i'm not talking about what W did, i mean how people helped each other regardless of race, politics, etc.)

if an event happens that would be regarded by most americans as an attack against america.....your conclusion is out the least for the time. during that time, if the right person arises.....someone that can, because of the event, bring both sides together for the greater good against "the enemy"....healing and inclusion COULD begin again.

the down side to this is a cataclismic event would need to happen to get both to come together.
Yeah, but then I would have to deal with the sprawl, traffic, and much longer drives to legit mountain bike and hiking trails and terrain, and nordic and alpine skiing, which currently is literally (except alpine, have to drive 10 minutes to the hill) right out my door. And mall world. I would have to live near mall world, and a Jack in the Box every 15 feet.

Um, what's wrong with Colorado, Oregon or Washington or even California? Blue and mountainy.
This is why I say it will be up to the states. If it gets bad enough, people will move. They'll move for inclusive statewide single payer health care and higher paying jobs. And the red states will get redder, and the blue states will get bluer. And the country will get more and more divided until it comes apart.
It is just so absolutely insane to consider, when a unified plan for single payer health care nationwide would I think result in efficiencies due to spreading investment in infrastructure (just billing and record keeping alone) along with spreading of the risk pools, etc. But, logic is not the only thing at play. As a commercial realtor friend (who was talking to me when going through his divorce) said when I said he needed to look at it from a dollars and cents perspective (they had no kids), "you cannot underestimate the emotional aspects of the deal." Still, it makes absolutely no sense to me.
that presumes that the progression is linear. that no events occur that would override the self absorbed political attitude. when 9/11 happened, as with pearl harbor....everyone pulled together. ( i'm not talking about what W did, i mean how people helped each other regardless of race, politics, etc.)

if an event happens that would be regarded by most americans as an attack against america.....that conclusion is out the least for the time. during that time, if the right person arises.....someone that can, because of the event, bring both sides together for the greater good against "the enemy"....healing and inclusion COULD begin again.

the down side to this is a cataclismic event would need to happen to get both to come together.

Yeah and how long did that last after 9/11? I'd say right up until the time we found no WMDs. I guess you could argue that if we didn't have W in the office, the momentum could have lasted but I doubt it.
Um, what's wrong with Colorado, Oregon or Washington or even California? Blue and mountainy.
I was primarily thinking of WA and OR. The sprawl and mall world and drive time for access all apply. I lived in both places. Even more so with CA. Spent a good deal of time there. Maybe around Sacramento toward the mountains, maybe. Never been to CO, though from every tourist I have talked to from there that skis here, CO is pretty sprawly already and has pretty big lift lines. I would guess there are some towns that have close to what we have here, but again, never been there. And I really did not think of CO as a blue state. Based on what I just looked up, the pundits are not ready to call it as a political re-alignment yet. But, that could be a better possibility. Frankly, I almost prefer the idea of Canada.
that presumes that the progression is linear. that no events occur that would override the self absorbed political attitude. when 9/11 happened, as with pearl harbor....everyone pulled together. ( i'm not talking about what W did, i mean how people helped each other regardless of race, politics, etc.)

if an event happens that would be regarded by most americans as an attack against america.....your conclusion is out the least for the time. during that time, if the right person arises.....someone that can, because of the event, bring both sides together for the greater good against "the enemy"....healing and inclusion COULD begin again.

the down side to this is a cataclismic event would need to happen to get both to come together.

Wheels for single payer healthcare and women's rights are already in motion here in New York. But you probably didn't learn that on the nightly news either.
Yeah and how long did that last after 9/11? I'd say right up until the time we found no WMDs. I guess you could argue that if we didn't have W in the office, the momentum could have lasted but I doubt it.

the reason it was more short lived was that the event was hijacked by a corrupt leadership to create a for a profit war. that wasn't the case in 1941. that lasted into the 60's.
i'm just saying....that the divide that we are experiencing is not necessarily permanently linear. other events CAN change that trajectory.
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