losses? what losses? i'm talking about getting over having massive profit margins. that's like the bullshit when GM (or whomever) says they LOST 30 billion in the second quarter. if they REALLY lost 30 billion, they'd be out of business. they didn't LOSE 30 billion.....they didn't make 30 billion more profit that they PROJECTED (that was never going to be there to begin with). so then they take a big tax cut on money that was never there. it's a great big shell game and it's being used as an excuse to move jobs out of this country because they're "not as profitable". when is enough....enough?
when the steel industry went in the pooper and a bunch of the auto industry too....they said "we are moving to a 'services' economy. call an IT number....who are you talking to? some guy in New Dehli, that's who. apparently THAT service couldn't be afforded here, so they moved it.
what is our economy going to base upon next? R & D? you can't employ 100 million people on R & D.