OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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This is all smoke screen. What are trump and/or congress really up to?
Most of the noise coming out of the White House has nothing to do with's mostly bluster to show that he's serious about his campaign promises and a show to make his administration look efficient...
This is all smoke screen. What are trump and/or congress really up to?

I think it might be for Congress, but I think Trump is obsessed with not having won every aspect of the election. Had he lost, it would have just been a rigged system that he would have dedicated his new network to railing endlessly about. Having "won", but not in every sense he has to have some excuse and it's only him that cares. The Women's March would have happened even if won the popular vote as well...and of course he wouldn't be complaining about fraudulent voting...unless he didn't win by enough of the popular vote as well. He's got and OCD-like issue with losing. He can lose, but he can't call it that or accept it. He also can't handle not be idolized (at least not in his perception). So millions of people globally calling out his asshatedness is something he can not process.

Yeah, he's mentally ill. And he may have or get Alzheimer's, but the mental illness predates the dementia.
Maybe they should just do it over with Bernie in there in Hillary's place.

The polls showed rather early that Bernie and Hillary would both beat Trump. While they proved to be worthless (or motivating and fanning the fire of Hillary-hate), Bernie had a larger margin of victory than Hillary ever did. She and party (or at least some party leadership) wanted her to win more than a seemingly guaranteed win...and here we are.
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Now, I just want to say that I'm not saying this to make fun of or demean Trump in any way...

But am I the only one that thinks that there may indeed be a legitimate developmental disability at play with Trump?

not necessarily addressing the disablility issue....but i recall someone (don't remember who) that once said......'there are two kinds of people that run for president. those who want to DO something......and those who want to BE somebody'.

guess which one applies here.
I have no idea what DJTs mental health outlook is....but, it seems unusually petty to be constantly obsessed with legitimizing his inauguration attendance & vote margins. Reporters have been asking all along for evidence of the fraud & raising the question if he believes it so strongly and it's so wide-spread, why no investigation has been launched to establish the source and safeguard our process. The Pew study the administration has cited that Trump read from '08 was on administrative registration inaccuracies & not a study of fraud. Even the author of the study has said no correlation and zero fraud indicated.

By all means if there is credible evidence that widespread voter fraud was committed, let's see the evidence & open an investigation.

At this point with these evidence-less claims, we don't need the Russians to destabilize our system....
it may be a gross overreaction but I seriously fear this country is headed in a really bad direction.

-they want to block and censor the media

-they want to stop govt agencies from posting facts

-they want us scared of immigrants

-they want to take healthcare away from millions of people so that insurance companies profit

-they want to privatize schools

-u.s. taxpayers are going to spend billions or maybe trillions on this wall

-approving pipelines when he will financially benefit from them

to me it seems like people are afraid to speak out because trump has a track record of ruining people who do.

not good.
it may be a gross overreaction but I seriously fear this country is headed in a really bad direction.

-they want to block and censor the media

-they want to stop govt agencies from posting facts

-they want us scared of immigrants

-they want to take healthcare away from millions of people so that insurance companies profit

-they want to privatize schools

-u.s. taxpayers are going to spend billions or maybe trillions on this wall

-approving pipelines when he will financially benefit from them

to me it seems like people are afraid to speak out because trump has a track record of ruining people who do.

not good.

you DO realize that what you just posted happened once (at least) before. it was 1939. in another country.
it may be a gross overreaction but I seriously fear this country is headed in a really bad direction.

-they want to block and censor the media

-they want to stop govt agencies from posting facts

-they want us scared of immigrants

-they want to take healthcare away from millions of people so that insurance companies profit

-they want to privatize schools

-u.s. taxpayers are going to spend billions or maybe trillions on this wall

-approving pipelines when he will financially benefit from them

to me it seems like people are afraid to speak out because trump has a track record of ruining people who do.

not good.
Pretty much all of this was the platform that got him's really not that shocking that they're doing exactly what they said they were going to do...

People are speaking out...but no one is listening at the moment...
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