Gonna walk my dog, you?
Would have been nice if those marching @#$ts would have taken their damn trash home with them.
^^^ You keep trying to sway us to support that lowlife piece of shit. It's not going to happen.
^^^ You keep trying to sway us to support that lowlife piece of shit. It's not going to happen.
When someone makes a few points well, then gets on the "if you don't like it, leave", it rather takes them quite a few steps backwards doesn't it?
There were many Conservative types who were anti-Obama who said that they would move to Canada if he got elected for his second term. I am quite sure that there were very few who followed-through.
I am a 'time will tell' sort of person but something tells me that one thing the new Prez is not, is 'unifying'.
This take the oil shit from the last couple of days is going to ignite a war.
Here you go, this guy nails it.
OK. I've cleaned up a bunch of stuff.
Let us remember that this thread only exists with the understanding that people remain civil in their discussions and avoid personal attacks. I don't want to lock this thread, as many people seem to enjoy the discussions, but please remember to keep things friendly and avoid tearing one another to shreds.
I don't have time to dig back in the thread and clean it all up, so if you feel slighted or I missed any previous attacks that led to the stuff I deleted, just report it and I will clean that up too. I don't have time to determine who was slighted and when, or what videos and photos might have offended and led to where we are now.