OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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One state will totally deregulate health insurance in order to attract the big companies and they will all flock there and end up selling shitty insurance to unsuspecting consumers just like the credit card companies did.

On the upside, this means the GOP doesn’t really have any ideas left. Obamacare was the GOP plan to begin with. Now that it’s been ruled out they’ve effectively set a time bomb under lower and middle class voters. Thousands of people will die, children will suffer, and the media will have a field day. With most Americans getting health insurance from a few states there will be a wave of consolidation so everybody will be pissed at the same companies and there will be fewer politicians with an interest in protecting all those insurance company jobs. I expect the USA to go single payer within a decade.

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Ok, I got a notice from our scout leader for my kid that "though this is a holiday for some" we have had too long a break and we are having scouts on the federal holiday. The other lawyers in my office typically go in and make their staff go in. They do not do this on other federal holidays such as Presidents' Day. Somehow I find this disturbing and perhaps racist that the federal holiday in honor of Dr. King is so easily tossed aside. My kid does not care, nearly has his Eagle, and is going to attend his meeting. So it probably would not be helpful for me to bring it up with the Scoutmaster, who I otherwise like. It is not a religious based troop, and he generally is really good to the kids. But still, it bugs.
that article sounds like an hour after dump takes his oath, he'll be handed a lawsuit. like the article says, if he isn't divested before the oath, he's in violation of the constitution one second later. impeachment will be impending.
Nah, it's just going to be a constant distraction that'll become part of the three ring circus...
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