4 years of President Trump...
i would bet quite a lot of money that it won't be FOUR years of trump. i doubt it will be one year.
4 years of President Trump...
GOP Congressman Leaves Meeting Early After Constituents Want to Talk Obamacare Repeal - TIME
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GOP Congressman Leaves Meeting Early After Constituents Want to Talk Obamacare Repeal - TIME
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Well, if he truly swears to uphold the constitution in his oath of office he runs into this: Friday approached, the thought of him refusing to repeat the oath of office as prompted seems more real.
It's a thought that I've had for a while.
"No. I'm not going to say that. I have better werds. They're fanTAStic werds. Ask anybody. Ya know what? Let me tell you something... "
I don't know what put that into my head in the first place, but all of the un-Presidential things he's done as of late makes me think it's a real possibility.
So, if he does that, does he get the boot?
Well, if he truly swears to uphold the constitution in his oath of office he runs into this:
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I think if you read between the lines on a lot of the COI discussion, it sounds like we might be in for an avalanche of legal challenges and lawsuits over these possible COIs in the coming years since we've never had a President who gets most of his income from his personal brand & his stake in these hospitality/real estate holdings.
Wow!looks like dumpster is going to be riding on a pretty bumpy road.
looks like dumpster is going to be riding on a pretty bumpy road.
that article sounds like an hour after dump takes his oath, he'll be handed a lawsuit. like the article says, if he isn't divested before the oath, he's in violation of the constitution one second later. impeachment will be impending.
I've envisioned something more like the final scene in the Blues Brothers movie when they get handcuffed.
one can hope. maybe there needs to be an emergency session at SCOTUS. a ruling that says that he is, in fact, in violation of the constitution and is therefore NOT the president. of course that makes pence it. which would in the long run be worse.