Do you mean that more people are making false hate crime reports? Or that they somehow feel more comfortable reporting them now that Trump was elected?
This is from a Nov 30th Forbes article.
On the other hand, a
ccording to a new SPLC report published last week, activity has tapered off after the initial month-long burst of newly-emboldened and -empowered fuckwits
* feeling like Trump's election gave them the political capital to abuse others. But the baseline rate remains higher than it was before the election.
Specifically to your statement "Whether there has been an actual increase is another issue":
The report includes more than a dozen incidents the center determined were fake or never happened.
"There were some hoaxes; there always are," Beirich said. "What you can't do is highlight the hoaxes to try and undermine the problem instead of solving it."
*One of these fuckwits accosted one of my best friends Chris in his local bar for wearing a band shirt from industrial act CombiChrist. He grabbed Chris by the shirt and started questioning him, increasingly more aggressively, about whether the meaning of the shirt was a religious insult. Chris isn't a fighter at all, but this guy (who'd been drinking) made Chris so uncomfortable that went out to his car to get pepper spray. When was walking back in the door, the asshole was literally thrown out into the street by the bartender and a couple of other patrons who'd seen what happened. This was within two weeks of the election.