OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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does anyone see a pattern developing where trump promises something and then never delivers?

he promised to address all of his conflicts of interests and then cancelled it. he promised to provide the proof he has showing Russia did not hack or interfere with the election but has yet to deliver.

its like just saying something is enough for his base but then not backing it up doesn't even get noticed.
does anyone see a pattern developing where trump promises something and then never delivers?

he promised to address all of his conflicts of interests and then cancelled it. he promised to provide the proof he has showing Russia did not hack or interfere with the election but has yet to deliver.

its like just saying something is enough for his base but then not backing it up doesn't even get noticed.

How long does an IRS audit take? I am still waiting on his tax returns to be released, which he said he would do when the audit was complete.
very true. he eventually said he wouldn't release them because it would only hurt his chances of winning. so he won, why not release them now??
does anyone see a pattern developing where trump promises something and then never delivers?

he promised to address all of his conflicts of interests and then cancelled it. he promised to provide the proof he has showing Russia did not hack or interfere with the election but has yet to deliver.

its like just saying something is enough for his base but then not backing it up doesn't even get noticed. you mean like when he promised to pay all those contractors building his casinos and hotels....and then stiffed them and didn't pay? like that? :mad:
Some pleasantries via FB:

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GOP senator takes a poll on twitter, does not go as planned:


The polls are overwhelmingly pro ACA. But since Trump won the electoral college, the republicans think the people want it gone. Pay no attention to the fact he lost by 2.8 million votes or those folks in Kentucky who voted for him but "didn't think he was serious" about taking it away or the coal miners who didn't realize their black lung benefits were part of The ACA.
No, they have had their "better" plan all along. Even when the ACA was being hashed out, they had a better plan. They just never said what it was.

For 6 years they have been trying to tear the ACA apart and move back to a "market driven" solution....sounds great but all that would be is putting the insurance companies back in the drivers seat.
The problem is that the ACA was the only way to get the 'market' to limit out of pocket costs, prevent pre-existing condition denials & get broader coverage to people who in many cases are not desirable policy holders with in a scheme that provided the offset of broader coverage on more desirable people who forgo coverage (profit!) & subsidies. I've always seen the lack of a legit replacement being floated in these 6 years as confirming just how much the 'market' doesn't want to be burdened with these unprofitable conditions.

If they can't determine a rational alternative, they face pulling coverage from people (and paying for that in the mid-terms) or getting stuck trying to fix a system they intentionally crippled from the outset.
we need legislators to begin presenting bills/programs that start deescalating the upwardly spiraling profit in the health industry. public utilities may not willy nilly raise rates. health care should be the same way. some day maybe it will be a non-profit. but the health insurance industry posts some of the highest (and continually rising) profits of any other industries, including oil, in this country. that's got to stop.
The polls are overwhelmingly pro ACA. But since Trump won the electoral college, the republicans think the people want it gone.

The GOP knows that Americans don’t actually want the ACA repealed. But the GOP doesn’t worry about what people want. They just do shit and let their media partners spin it or ignore it. If they repeal the ACA they’ll have 22 months to cover before the next round of elections. That’s plenty of time.
The GOP knows that Americans don’t actually want the ACA repealed. But the GOP doesn’t worry about what people want. They just do shit and let their media partners spin it or ignore it. If they repeal the ACA they’ll have 22 months to cover before the next round of elections. That’s plenty of time.

I know plenty of people who want it gone. What I think they are going to do now, is repeal it to go into effect in the future and replace it with almost the exact same thing and call it something different. There are things you could do to make it better but unless there is a public option or single payer, it isn't going to be much better than what is already there. And no way the republicans would put either of those on the table. I would love to see them do it and spin the press on it.
The GOP knows that Americans don’t actually want the ACA repealed. But the GOP doesn’t worry about what people want. They just do shit and let their media partners spin it or ignore it. If they repeal the ACA they’ll have 22 months to cover before the next round of elections. That’s plenty of time.

if they repeal ACA, there will be 5 to 10 million people immediately out of insurance. the GOP may not have 22 months at that point.
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