OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Why would the Russians take us out over this? I mean they just got their boy elected, we should be safe. After all, how else will Putin and his buddy Trump team up to take out all the brown people.

From all accounts, it was an Islamic extremism/Syrian situation motivated assassination so yeah, ain't us that are going to get any payback on this. Apparently the gunman was a Turkish police officer.

Are you sure it's not a brute squad?


1.0 out of 5 starsOne Star
By victorino on December 16, 2016
Perfect for when you want to take your little one stormtrooping.
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1.0 out of 5 starsthese are just perfect for the above
By jimster on December 16, 2016
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever. George Orwell
Thanks, Ivanka, these are just perfect for the above. Can you have the Chinese make them even bigger?
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1.0 out of 5 starsNazi jack boots for children, made in China and ...
By jed jennings on December 16, 2016
Nazi jack boots for children, made in China and stamped with the name of someone who is not a fashion designer, but simply famous because she's related to someone famous.
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1.0 out of 5 starsGrabbing boots
By jennifer Marshall on December 17, 2016
Size: 3 M US Little KidSpecial Size Type: Little Kid (4-8 Years)Color: Black
Made in China is the least of the problems with these boots. It's weird but, every time I think I have put them away, as soon as I turn my back, I look down, and I know this sounds weird, but they seem to be reaching for my private parts. Dare I say grabbing? Anyway, they give me the creeps and I don't want them being lewd around my daughter so I am returning, before January 20th.
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1.0 out of 5 starsHow am I ever going to become a multi-billionaire if ...
By A. Boyer on December 16, 2016
How am I ever going to become a multi-billionaire if my boots don't even have bootstraps to pull myself up by? This is false advertising and I resent the implications.
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Just another way for the Trump organization to get paid by the American People. Just like the bill for the Secret Service rooms in Trump Tower. He's a fucking goon.
and the charge back for the 747 for the campaign to fly around in. and the charge back for the campaign offices @ $30,000 per month. and......
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