OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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I guess when your ridiculous tweets get pence in the hot seat, there are consequences
As a way of softening the pain of Trump, let's revisit some awfulness we managed to persevere through.

Bush: God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq

Hang in there, y'all. We're gonna make it through this too!

And our children's children will still be paying the debt Bush's wars incurred. As of right now, the Iraq and Afghan wars cost us roughly $5 trillion, over $17,000 per man, woman and child in the United States. And they brought no stability to an already unstable region, inflamed anti-Western sentiment, and (through the the de-Baathification efforts of Bush's Iraq administrator Paul Bremer) directly spawned ISIS, which led to additional wars in Iraq, Syria and Libya and an increase in terrorism around the world.

And that's with an affable dufus-puppet in office.

Ye gods, what damage a thin-skinned egomaniac could do!
I think we can all agree that it's possible for someone to support a candidate with out agreeing with everything that candidate stands for.

Sure, we can agree that.

But this guy is radically different. His entire "platform" is built on his personality, and his personality is that of a skeevy, oversensitive blowhard who isn't particularly smart or savvy and who doesn't seem to actually give two shits about anything except himself. So his platform is a natural extension of that: pandering to xenophobia, sexism, racism, triumphalistic delusion, incompetence and flat fucking ignorance.

Case in point:

I guess when your ridiculous tweets get pence in the hot seat, there are consequences

On Tuesday morning, after the post had attracted national attention and it was reported that Mr. Flynn had a transition team email address, Vice President-elect Mike Pence denied that Mr. Flynn had ever worked for the team, saying on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that he had “no involvement in the transition whatsoever.”

Morning Joe

.@mike_pence: Gen. Flynn's son has no involvement in the transition whatsoever
6:53 AM - 6 Dec 2016
But later in the morning, Jason Miller, a transition spokesman, tacitly acknowledged that Mr. Flynn had worked for the transition, saying in a conference call that Mr. Flynn was now no longer involved.

So Pence either just straight up told a bald-faced lie, or spoke definitively about something but was actually ignorant of the facts, which is just as bad.

[The Natl Security Advisor position] is a job that is likely to take on greater importance for Mr. Trump, who has no experience in defense or foreign policy issues and has a habit of making broad assertions that are not based in fact.

General Flynn, too, has shown similar inclinations both on Twitter and in his previous jobs in the military. At the Defense Intelligence Agency, his staff members even coined their own name for his sometimes dubious assertions: “Flynn facts.”

“He has regularly engaged in the reckless public promotion of conspiracy theories that have no basis in fact, with disregard for the risks that giving credence to those theories could pose to the public,” Representative Adam Smith of Washington, the ranking Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee, said on Tuesday.

“Someone who is so oblivious to the facts, or intentionally ignorant of them, should not be entrusted with policy decisions that affect the safety of the American people,” Mr. Smith added.

Fucking beautiful.
GDSmithTX said:
[The Natl Security Advisor position] is a job that is likely to take on greater importance for Mr. Trump, who has no experience in defense or foreign policy issues and has a habit of making broad assertions that are not based in fact.

General Flynn, too, has shown similar inclinations both on Twitter and in his previous jobs in the military. At the Defense Intelligence Agency, his staff members even coined their own name for his sometimes dubious assertions: “Flynn facts.”

“He has regularly engaged in the reckless public promotion of conspiracy theories that have no basis in fact, with disregard
for the risks that giving credence to those theories could pose to the public,” Representative Adam Smith of Washington, the ranking Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee, said on Tuesday.

“Someone who is so oblivious to the facts, or intentionally ignorant of them, should not be entrusted with policy decisions that affect the safety of the American people,” Mr. Smith added.

Fucking beautiful.

If anything, this should be the scary takeaway from the Flynn boys story, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. That's a pretty sketchy thing for the guy who's going to be the national security advisor to our twtterer in chief.

oh and as expected, the pizzagaters are claiming that the hillbilly that stormed Comet Ping Pong was a plant; an actor hired to get arrested w/o finding any kids to discredit the investigation into HRC/Podesta.

The criterion is “the person or persons who most affected the news and our lives, for good or ill, and embodied what was important about the year.” A lot of news is bad news and a lot of people who make bad news are very powerful people. TIME’s editors aren’t immune to that reality. Famously, they named Hitler in 1938 and Stalin in 1939 and again in 1942. These were men who had a huge impact, not just in those years but over the entire century. It’s easy to stand by those choices, looking back. Arguably you could do a bad guy every year and be justified.
^^^^^ @Lerxst
so....we're in for 4 years of the mashup between Survivor, D.C. and The Apprentice.

thank you main stream media for not asking the tough questions and keep asking them, but instead promoting and producing the entire campaign as one giant reality show. i hope you're happy when you piss him off and he bans all of you from the press room. and he will.
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