OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Both sides of the debate seem so ready to plant these flags on each other and it just suppresses expression and prevents being open to someone else's POV.

after all the racist, xenophobic, fasict, misogynist (etc.) things that trump said during the campaign and in the debates and continues to say, i don't think i need to plant any flags. he's already done that. and those who voted for him must be in approval of the things he said, or they would not have voted for him. it's not as though he was saying things like 'i don't like broccoli' or 'i like dogs better than cats'.
and with the values he stated, i don't think i care to see anymore of his POV.
after all the racist, xenophobic, fasict, misogynist (etc.) things that trump said during the campaign and in the debates and continues to say, i don't think i need to plant any flags. he's already done that. and those who voted for him must be in approval of the things he said, or they would not have voted for him. it's not as though he was saying things like 'i don't like broccoli' or 'i like dogs better than cats'.
and with the values he stated, i don't think i care to see anymore of his POV.

The people who voted for him may not be racists, or xenophobic or misogynistic, but they are ok with casting a vote for someone who is and letting those values represent us as a country. I'm not sure that is any better.
The people who voted for him may not be racists, or xenophobic or misogynistic, but they are ok with casting a vote for someone who is and letting those values represent us as a country. I'm not sure that is any better.
that may well be so. and i don't think it is much better. clearly those who voted for trump aren't terribly averse to his values/views or they wouldn't have voted for him.
As a way of softening the pain of Trump, let's revisit some awfulness we managed to persevere through.

Bush: God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq

Hang in there, y'all. We're gonna make it through this too!
that remains to be seen. will the country still exist? probably. will it still be the United States of America and a democracy? not having good feelings there.
(i's really a representative repbulic....or it was)
after all the racist, xenophobic, fasict, misogynist (etc.) things that trump said during the campaign and in the debates and continues to say, i don't think i need to plant any flags. he's already done that. and those who voted for him must be in approval of the things he said, or they would not have voted for him. it's not as though he was saying things like 'i don't like broccoli' or 'i like dogs better than cats'.
and with the values he stated, i don't think i care to see anymore of his POV.

The people who voted for him may not be racists, or xenophobic or misogynistic, but they are ok with casting a vote for someone who is and letting those values represent us as a country. I'm not sure that is any better.

I think we can all agree that it's possible for someone to support a candidate with out agreeing with everything that candidate stands for.
We can also probably agree that most people, not 100% committed to a party or ideology, can subjectively assign a value to each element or aspect of a candidates platform, personality & what all they represent
So we should be able to agree that each person must weigh these assessments and make their own choice in how that 'calculation' impacts who they choose to vote for
Now, you & I have placed a lot of weight on not casting a vote for someone who represents & exhibits a number of negative and harmful traits and lack of ethics. Other people worked their evaluation out differently. I don't think that necessarily makes them bad people.

(I also think he is an inappropriate choice for many of the responsibilities of the office, like foreign policy as one current glaring example, but I sure hope he proves me wrong or at least the damage is contained to a minimum)

Something I've been pretty intrigued by about is the disconnect of how many Trump supporters & non-supporters view HRC.
I've often heard Trump supporters cast her as equally, if not usually much more so, a bad person. I guess if you believe those kinds of things, I could see how there is no great ethical dilemma in your vote.
So, any guesses on what Trump's White House pet will be?
A dog? A cat? Perhaps sheep, like Woodrow Wilson had?





Something I've been pretty intrigued by about is the disconnect of how many Trump supporters & non-supporters view HRC.
I've often heard Trump supporters cast her as equally, if not usually much more so, a bad person. I guess if you believe those kinds of things, I could see how there is no great ethical dilemma in your vote.

I think to some degree we tend to believe what we want to believe. I'm sure there is a term for it, something along the lines of confirmation. I think for me the dilemma is finding something ethical in politics. I know that is kind of cliché too but I've worked in local government for years and it just seems to be getting worse.

My view of this election was that whoever would have won, it was clear that we aren't doing it right and we really need to figure out how to proceed in the future. We turned on each other based on douche bags running for public office. I didn't see near as many supporters for either candidate as I saw those who opposed the other. I saw both candidates as single term and figured we have under 4 years to come up with a way to find normal. I figured there were enough people in the middle who were tired of all of the people out on the edges and that maybe someone will mount a charge for the next go 'round.

As far as either of them being a bad person is concerned, I don't know if either is or if both are. I know people who have met each of them and one person who has met both and have heard about their experiences but I don't think that necessarily tells the story either.
i can agree with your last post (i didn't want to quote it, as it's big) about people decide on their candidate according to their values and how they line up with the candidate.
and that's kinda my point about those who voted for trump.
if we were talking about Kasich vs HRC or Jeb vs Bernie, i'm completely with you.

but trump, in an interview, called Pres. Obama a lying n'er, TWICE. people were getting beat up at his rallies, and he's yelling 'kick their ass, get 'em outta here'. and the people at the rallies are doing the heil salute.....almost all of them. and it's not like it was secret. it was all over the tv, every day. making fun of a person with palsy, alluding to McCain not being a hero because he got captured. (and i don't like McCain, but i won't deny or denegrade his service)

the negative campain adds about him weren't misquotes, or spliced together stuff. they simply RAN the video and just let him run his mouth.
let's put muslims in camps, and have more cops in muslim neighborhoods. build the wall to keep all those mexicans out, they're all rapists and murderers and drug dealers.

these are the things HE SAID.....on camera.

sorry, but as far as i'm concerned, the majority of those who voted for him are on board with all those things. and a whole lot of them REVEL in it!
trump has created a climate that allows those kind of people to come out from hiding and waive their flag. he has empowered them and even encouraged them.
and they have made him president.
and therein is my reasoning for my post "apparentlly half of america....." well, it may not be half, but i believe it's a majority of his voters. and they won by their numbers.
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