There is a huge difference in my mind. Did you have any reasonable believe that Al Gore, Barrack Obama or Hillary Clinton would launch nuclear missiles? I never once thought Bush, McCain or Romney would. I'm not so sure about Trump. If he does, we all will wish we were right wing nut job preppers.
I'm also not sure why the right hates the left? Are they mad at the left for giving them healthcare? Or lowering unemployment? Making the stock market rise? Is it really as simple as the left is ok with gays and Muslims? And the left is OK with a 43 year old supreme court decision? I'm seriously asking.
I'm not going to pretend I possess any special insight into it, but I think it has mostly to do with different values and lifestyles...
As the county by county map shows, the left lives primarily in urban areas, the right in rural areas....Phil linked to an excellent article that did a great job describing the differences in lifestyles and how they affected th election, but I'm going to paraphrase some of it here...
People who live in rural areas have many fewer options for most aspects of life...fewer employment options, fewer educational options, fewer cultural options...most of their social interaction happens in the church, very little anywher else...their schools are much smaller nd thus much more poorly funded, since federal funds are based on number of students...less dense population requires fewer service jobs, and the factories and manufcturing jobs leaving lessens opportunity even more...
These are people who value old fashioned things like families, religion, and individual rights...
Then along comes someone lie Obama who utters staements like "they cling to their god and their guns"...they see the left selling out their way of life in favor of globalisation, and letting the UN (them outsiders) dictate policies like disarmament...they see their taxes going to people who don't work, snuck into the country illegally, and so forth...
They have no way out...they're trapped in their dying towns...and the left tells them there's nothing to be done, they have to change with the times...
I have farmers in m family...I live on my sister's dairy fam hard as one thinks he works to make a living for his family, you cannot conceive of what hard work really is until you see these guys leaving for the barn to milk the cows at 4am, coming in for breakfast at 8, going back out to work the fields until lunch, back after lunch, back to the barn at 4pm to milk the cows, in for supper at 7...and do it every day 7 days a week...
That is why the left and right have such a hard time understanding each other...
And then along comes a Donald Trump, who tells them that they matter more,that he understands why they matter, and that he will make it right for them...and they hope he does...
Racism, homophobia, xenophobia, misogyny...yes they exist on the right...but it wasn't racism, sexism, etc that won Trump the was fear and desperation to survive that did...