OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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The reality of Trump’s alt-right trolls: They’ll put your 7-year-old’s face on a gas chamber - Vox

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I posted that on Facebook yesterday, with the comment "When you support Donald Trump, you're really saying that you're okay with this." One of my rabidly anti-Hillary friends posted this in response:

There are bad eggs yes. But that's not the full crowd of trump supporters.
That's like destruction of property which has happened a lot recently from Anti Trumpers.
These people are in the wrong completely and are very sick twisted individuals. They should have never even attempted to photoshop that little girls face.
We just live in a terrible generation right now. Full of self entitled people. But that does not say what you are supporting from there being bad eggs.

My response:

These folks aren't the exception, they're only the most vocal of his followers. They and other hate groups are empowered by his inflammatory rhetoric - and the fact that the GOP didn't leash his ass a long time ago - has let the long-simmering racism boil over. Individuals supporting Trump may not consider them racists, but by the demographics they're primarily uneducated whites, the folks that also make up the bulk of the alt-right, White Supremacists, and racially prejudiced.

There is a reason that Clinton called half of his supporters deplorable, and that's because they are. All the conservatives that actually care about conservative principles, refused to endorse him and have put their support behind Clinton or Johnson.
I've found the opposite, most of the people I've met that are "into" or okay with war think we should have a draft. A significant amount are older mothers that think military discipline would have benefited their sons.
Wooden spoon to the ass would've benefited their sons. Worked on my ass.

Couldn't agree more, but this whole race has been all over the place about who supports who. Case in point below.


Nothing like having a "friend and mentor"

Just went on one of my infrequent visits to facebook...

I've said it before and will say it again:

I can completely understand why you don't like any given candidate. I've never found a way support a Republican because I've yet to presented with one whose stances on the issues aligned with doing the most benefit for the most people. If you are of a conservative lean I get that you've been thoroughly fed/bred to buy into some notion of Hillary Clinton (but really the Clintons in general) as bad or evil. It's been pervasive for more than two decades...that's 20+ years of browbeating by your party and elected officials. Sadly, I don't expect to see that undone.

But even if you don't want/like/trust her, Donald Trump is not a viable alternative...UNLESS you come straight out and admit that you are a prejudice, xenophobic, misogynistic, and willfully ignorant and/or biased individual. None of these qualities should be deemed acceptable. Once they start piling up, people that align themselves with said qualities should not be shocked that decent people of all races, political affiliations, religions, socioeconomic classes, etc. perceive them as deplorable.

Johnson's not a top candidate (his VP would have been a better choice) and Stein is bit too out there, but quite frankly anyone would be better than Trump. So while I'm voting for the candidate that I actually want to be president, I would vote for millions of people before I would vote for him or his message (regardless of candidate).

And that's the part that is so discouraging... how is it that so many people fell in with the hatred and how did that number kept growing with each new and horribly vitriolic statement made? Regardless of how the election ends up we're fucked. These folks aren't likely to go away quietly into the night. In an effort to win Trump stirred up the worst in our nature, being the historical and collective nature of people that are blindly proud and entitled simply based on being born and raised in the United States of America.

We can do and better and we all deserve better than the likes of Trump. As stated above, I know his supporters feel the same way about Hillary. But their objectivity is gone, if it ever existed. Too many lifelong Republicans and conservatives have denounced Trump to dismiss their lack of support as being a partisan stance. Trump's platform is clearly not aligned with traditional GOP's views. What's more, the idea that this is heralding back to the Reagan years is holds no water either as Reagan was not against immigration and (after the assassination attempt) supported the reform of gun laws.

Anyway, sorry to you folks for the redundancy. I think I need to shut down social media consumption (despite it being once every month or two) and minimize news ingestion and until 11/08/2016. And even then only listen to the election results.
Couldn't agree more, but this whole race has been all over the place about who supports who. Case in point below.


Nothing like having a "friend and mentor"

I guess you can't argue with this if you buy into Trump's notion that people can't change. So once a pervert, always a pervert. And really, who would know better than Trump?:thu:

But Byrd's involvement in the Klan as a young man in the Jim Crow south is not a reflection of his overall work and efforts as a member of legislative branch of the U.S. government. He spent many decades denouncing his actions...Byrd changed (at least publicly) as I believe all people can. So this stuff is bullshit. However, the KKK and other openly white supremacy groups are currently endorsing Trump and was hesitant to publicly dismiss their support.

Such a nasty man.
Regarding the emails, CNN picked up on an important point.

Law enforcement sources say the newly discovered emails are not related to WikiLeaks or the Clinton Foundation. They would not describe in further detail the content of the emails. A law enforcement official said the newly discovered emails were found on an electronic device that the FBI didn't previously have in its possession. The emails are not from Clinton but from someone else, according to the official.

So someone sent email that may contain improperly classified information to Clinton’s email account. BFD.
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if you are stupid enough to consider voting trump the facts have long since been irrelevant. timing on this is suspicious and will no doubt sway the election to some degree.
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