OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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If the Republicans lose this election... the 3 parties we may see will be Democrats, Fiscal Republicans, and Ultra Conservative Republicans.

I think that's exactly what we'll see. And I'm guessing many Republicans go Libertarian. Which will be a good thing for Democrats.
I think that America needs to recognize that there is no liberal or left-wing political party; we only have centrists.
Quite right.
It's hard for folks to tell, though, because the right has moved so far right that the center looks left by comparison.
But you're totally correct; we haven't had a real left for decades.
Quite right.
It's hard for folks to tell, though, because the right has moved so far right that the center looks left by comparison.
But you're totally correct; we haven't had a real left for decades.
Damned tootin'. Every political chart test iv've ever taken has me very slightly left of center slightly down to liberal. Very much a moderate, these days the Democratic party fits me like glove and I consider the current Rep leaders to be disgusting human beings. Just my personal opinion. Wasn't always that way.
I have come up with the best solution for debates. Put both candidates in individual isolation booths like they had on Name That Tune. Their mics are muted. The moderator asks a question and then unmutes the persons mic. If they start going off on some prewritten response that doesn't address the question, their mic is muted and their time is over. When they go to the other one, if they just try to bad mouth their opponent without answering the question, their mic is muted.

I like the hell out of that.
I think the debate (and events well before it) have verified that we'll have another new president in a little over 4 years....and in the interim, congress will continue to do nothing. Aside from really stupid shit.
Well, I like it better too, but the kill switch is much more feasible.

Actually, I like the idea of shock collars on the debaters. If they talk outside their allotted periods, they get zapped.
And if they interrupt when it is not their turn and their time. Either interrupt the other speaker or the moderator.
I wonder what strategy the next GOP "autopsy" will have. lol
I for one have found the right wing schism delicious, delicious
I'd like to see a groundswell, but this is the election we're in. There's no sense in independent candidates not running for President and getting into the media. I do agree that regardless of the matching funds outcome, independents need to contest local races. But saying that a national campaign is off the table isn't the right approach either.

Well, so far their focus has been the big stage. And lets look at how that has worked out so far...

I think they need to adopt a new approach
It's really a shame Bernie didn't get the nod. I think there is a large group that are supporting Trump because they hate Clinton and don't trust her. I think if Bernie had gotten the nomination, this would have been the biggest landslide ever.
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