OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Nowhere near 100% of the population votes, so she's saying (in what she described as "gross generalities") that maybe 1/6 or 1/8 of Americans are racist, sexist, or islamophobic. Based on a back of the envelope assessment of my family and acquaintances, that's about right. It was a carefully worded assessment of what seems to be an ugly truth, spoken as a prelude to a statement of sympathy towards the rest of Trump's supporters, who are decent people who have been let down by the system so consistently that they are willing to give him a chance.

No, even more than that, I resent that...that's one hell of a conclusion to jump to based on my statement...intolerance is intolerance, whether based on racial grounds or have judged me based on what, exactly?

In my opinion you are now no better than them...your intolerance us different, but you are the same as them, dismissive based on some rationale you cannot defend...

I'm done with this shit...again...

Awww man don't leave. Come back. Stay a while. I'm sorry.

I asked a somewhat loaded question but it was still a question, a simple yes or no would have been cool.

IMO some things are worth being intolerant of, its not a sin.

I for one am intolerant of the KKK and NASCAR and I CAN defend my rational. Does that make me bad? Does it make Hill bad if she calls it like she sees it?
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Awww man don't leave. Come back. Stay a while. I'm sorry.

I asked a somewhat loaded question but it was still a question, a simple yes or no would have been cool.

I for one am intolerant of the KKK and I CAN defend my rational. Does that make me bad? Does it make Hill bad if she calls it like she sees it?
No more so than when I call it as I see it and get accused of being a racist, so take your rationale and your condescension and shove it...
If you agree with Hillary that the KKK and their ilk are deplorable, then the only problem you can have with the statement is that you disagree with the numbers.
If you agree with Hillary that the KKK and their ilk are deplorable, then the only problem you can have with the statement is that you disagree with the numbers.
I take issue with "gross generalities"...they result in issues such the one I now have here, being accused of being something I'm not...
It is a source of constant amazement to me how quick people are to label and dismiss anyone who doesn't agree with their position..."liberal" used to mean open minded and it's become exactly the opposite..."loaded questions" designed to pin someone as something, then condescension..."yes or no would suffice" is a BS claim when the question was designed to evoke a response that would pin someone into an easy to dismiss category...

It's the politics of divisiveness and intolerance...which makes one no better than the people they are pointing their finger at and claiming to be superior to...
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@12Pack Posted this over here rather than in the sports thread.

Well, this isn't so horrible I think.

They plan to lock arms together. I am fine with that. Hope you are too, and if you aren't, well as I said over there, we will just agree to disagree. :)

From the post/tweet:

Martin Luther King Jr. once said:

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."

We live in the greatest country in the world because we have taken challenges head on. We have made the uncomfortable the norm. On one of the most memorable days in US history, we have an opportunity to unite again for a cause. To show why our country is so great. #BuildABridge

Keep the political bullshit out of sports. Just play the game.

And if making millions as a "Black Suppresed" person as a QB for any sport team gives you the right to not stand for the country that gave you the ability to make millions, then fuck you. Plain and simple, fuck you.

Let me say it again, fuck you.

I have no respect for Seattle if they do this and I have already lost respect, all respect for Kaepernick. Fuck him and fuck Seattle Seahawks.

In case you didn't hear it the first three times. Fuck you. Respect is earned, not a privilege even if you are black, white Asian or handicapped.

Fuck you Kapernicm, fuck you Seatle. Grow the fuck up.

I totally disagree with this. What Collin is doing is standing up for the oppressed people. If Joe Schmoe who is oppressed and refuses to stand while attending a game, nobody notices and the conversation doesn't start.

If you read his statement, he never said he was oppressed and that he was taking a stand for those who are. I respect people who stand up for something they believe in when their stance can jeopardize their future, it's easy to take a stand when you have nothing to lose, but has lost a lot for doing this.

I think that this is an example of one thing that is still great about this country is that he is allowed to do this without fear of arrest. In some countries he would have been arrested for it and maybe worse.

It's fine if you don't agree with it. That's another great thing about this country, you are allowed to disagree with what he is doing and think he's a dick.

Now I'll shut up and get ready for tomorrow's kick off. I'm looking forward to Monday night, go Skins.
I respect people who stand up for something they believe in when their stance can jeopardize their future, it's easy to take a stand when you have nothing to lose, but has lost a lot for doing this.
Except he's SITTING DOWN for something he believes in...:wink:

I fully support his right to make what ever stand, or in this case sit down, for whatever he believes in...and I also support anyone and everyone's right to be incensed by it and state their disagreement however they see fit (short of extremism)...where I would take issue, which is not the case here, is if the protester claims to be something he's not...
Except he's SITTING DOWN for something he believes in...:wink:

I fully support his right to make what ever stand, or in this case sit down, for whatever he believes in...and I also support anyone and everyone's right to be incensed by it and state their disagreement however they see fit (short of extremism)...where I would take issue, which is not the case here, is if the protester claims to be something he's not...

If people want to call him a dick and not buy his jerseys or burn his jerseys, they can.

Yeah, because religion isn't enough of force in governing our nation already, they need a bigger voice.


You want a bigger voice? Give up the fucking tax exemptions first, then we'll talk.

By the way, all the people who thought Drumpf was being honest and sincere in his statements about increasing religious influence in govt .... I have a new god to sell you.

Unless he was talking about the god Mammon; that one he totally worships above all else.
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Yeah, because religion isn't enough of force in governing our nation already, they need a bigger voice.


You want a bigger voice? Give up the fucking tax exemptions first, then we'll talk.

By the way, all the people who thought Drumpf was being honest and sincere in his statements about increasing religious influence in govt .... I have a new god to sell you.

Unless he was talking about the god Mammon; that one he totally worships above all else.

as with all extremists.....they're never satisfied until they control everything completely.
one more reason to vote for anyone who can keep Tramp out of D.C.
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