OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Ever notice that Putin's critics only seem to have abnormal deaths when they're outside of Russia? ...or maybe those are just the only ones we hear about.

Russian Director, Journalists Killed in Africa While Filming Documentary

Nah, it seems not to really matter where they are. Boris Nemtsov, you might remember, was murdered practically in front of the Kremlin.
oooh boy....get ready for another tweetstorm.....

Appeals court rules Trump can't withhold funds from California 'sanctuary' cities

A federal appeals court decided Wednesday that the Trump administration may not withhold federal funds from California’s immigrant-friendly “sanctuary” cities and counties.

The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, in a 2-1 decision, upheld a district judge’s ruling in favor of San Francisco and Santa Clara County, which sued over the administration’s threats to withhold money to jurisdictions that have passed laws limiting local law enforcement cooperation with federal immigration authorities.

But the court removed a nationwide injunction issued by the judge, concluding that there was not enough evidence presented so far to justify it.

The case stemmed from an executive order issued by President Trump shortly after taking office. He directed his administration to withhold federal funds from sanctuary jurisdictions.

The 9th Circuit said Trump exceeded his authority because only Congress can put conditions on federal funds.

I was born too early.
Only thing worse than Illinois Nazis? Fucking Wyoming Nazis
A Nazi flag was found flying at a public park in Wyoming
The flag of Nazi Germany was sighted atop a flagpole in a public park in Laramie, Wyoming.


The US flag that usually flies from the pole lay crumpled on the ground when police arrived on the scene Monday morning, according to Lieutenant Gwen Smith of the Laramie Police Department.

Shortly after police were notified of the incident, officers promptly removed the Nazi flag, which bore the swastika symbol. Upon retrieving the discarded American flag, the officers folded it properly and one saluted the flag as the other returned it to its rightful place atop the flagpole, Smith said. [snip]
Worked in Joliet Monday and Tuesday. Brought son with me the first day. He is still an indentured servant till the Roli Seaboard he bought at Gearfest is paid off. Also, wanted to go to CG after and I needed a guitar player. They have a Gibson classical guitar. We both giggled that it had a zero fret. and the had a JC120 Jazz Chorus. Was temped to take the JC home with me. It needed new grill cloth, tolex, and somebody cut a 2" x 12" hole in the side for an outlet strip. It deseved someone to treat it better but they wanted too much money for it. Tuesday, on the way up, enjoying WXRT. Down where I live the Chicago station kind of, sort of come in. You can listen to them but if a good song comes on and you turn it up, it is really bad. And what's the point if you can't enjoy the good ones. So, I'm getting a little treat listening to WXRT and this comes on

When it's over DJ says, I remember the good old days when the lunatics were only on the fringe.
Only thing worse than Illinois Nazis? Fucking Wyoming Nazis
A Nazi flag was found flying at a public park in Wyoming
The flag of Nazi Germany was sighted atop a flagpole in a public park in Laramie, Wyoming.


The US flag that usually flies from the pole lay crumpled on the ground when police arrived on the scene Monday morning, according to Lieutenant Gwen Smith of the Laramie Police Department.

Shortly after police were notified of the incident, officers promptly removed the Nazi flag, which bore the swastika symbol. Upon retrieving the discarded American flag, the officers folded it properly and one saluted the flag as the other returned it to its rightful place atop the flagpole, Smith said. [snip]

"The US flag that usually flies from the pole lay crumpled on the ground" Pretty much sums up the last year and a half.
Only thing worse than Illinois Nazis? Fucking Wyoming Nazis
A Nazi flag was found flying at a public park in Wyoming
The flag of Nazi Germany was sighted atop a flagpole in a public park in Laramie, Wyoming.


The US flag that usually flies from the pole lay crumpled on the ground when police arrived on the scene Monday morning, according to Lieutenant Gwen Smith of the Laramie Police Department.

Shortly after police were notified of the incident, officers promptly removed the Nazi flag, which bore the swastika symbol. Upon retrieving the discarded American flag, the officers folded it properly and one saluted the flag as the other returned it to its rightful place atop the flagpole, Smith said. [snip]

doesn't surprise me. Laramie is where Matthew Shepard was murdered, because he was gay.
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