OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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I guess it really IS "Where's Waldo"!!!!
i'm guessing several of the folks of color are paid, or 'reimbursed' attendees.
not saying they don't necessarily support the dark lord, but when the same people show up at different rallys in different towns.....[idea]
The racist asshole in this video later lost his business.
Man Filmed Calling Black Man a ‘Ni**er’ Loses His Business: ‘This Has Completely and Thoroughly Ruined My Life’

Audio is NOT safe for work or anywhere due to N-word usage.

People are such assholes. I bet that guy's view of welfare is going to change now that he won't be able to get a job after people watch that video.
You ever notice that there's always one black or "swarthy" type right behind Trump at his rallies? I kid you not - do a search of "Trump Rally" images on Google. It's sort of like "Neo-Nazi Where's Waldo"!




Look at all those old people. It’s like a trip to Culver’s.
FFS! Trump's EPA plans to allow increased auto emissions and decrease fuel efficiencies.

what's your point?
fuckhead will say or do ANYTHING that will drive 'libtards' crazy.
how much you wanna bet the mainstream auto industry doesn't change back and keeps making cars with better emissions and mileage, because that's what the CUSTOMERS want.
they don't give a fuck about trump. they give a fuck about selling cars. nobody wants to drive a car that gets 9 mpg again.
You know, where I go to school 50% is an F. Actually, anything under 73% is failing.

That's actually pretty average, or maybe slightly below average, according to Gallup.

Gallup Historical Presidential Job Approval Statistics
Overall averages
Dates in office Average approval rating %
Harry Truman
April 1945-January 1953 45.4
Dwight Eisenhower January 1953-January 1961 65.0
John Kennedy January 1961-November 1963 70.1
Lyndon Johnson November 1963-January 1969 55.1
Richard Nixon January 1969-August 1974 49.0
Gerald Ford August 1974-January 1977 47.2
Jimmy Carter January 1977-January 1981 45.5
Ronald Reagan January 1981-January 1989 52.8
George H.W. Bush January 1989-January 1993 60.9
Bill Clinton January 1993-January 2001 55.1
George W. Bush January 2001-January 2009 49.4
Barack Obama January 2009-January 2017 47.9
That's actually pretty average, or maybe slightly below average, according to Gallup.

Gallup Historical Presidential Job Approval Statistics
Overall averages
Dates in office Average approval rating %
Harry Truman
April 1945-January 1953 45.4
Dwight Eisenhower January 1953-January 1961 65.0
John Kennedy January 1961-November 1963 70.1
Lyndon Johnson
November 1963-January 1969 55.1
Richard Nixon January 1969-August 1974 49.0
Gerald Ford August 1974-January 1977 47.2
Jimmy Carter January 1977-January 1981 45.5
Ronald Reagan January 1981-January 1989 52.8
George H.W. Bush January 1989-January 1993 60.9
Bill Clinton January 1993-January 2001 55.1
George W. Bush January 2001-January 2009 49.4
Barack Obama January 2009-January 2017 47.9

John Kennedy January 1961-November 1963 70.1
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