OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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That's actually pretty average, or maybe slightly below average, according to Gallup.

Gallup Historical Presidential Job Approval Statistics
Overall averages
Dates in office Average approval rating %
Harry Truman
April 1945-January 1953 45.4
Dwight Eisenhower January 1953-January 1961 65.0
John Kennedy January 1961-November 1963 70.1
Lyndon Johnson November 1963-January 1969 55.1
Richard Nixon January 1969-August 1974 49.0
Gerald Ford August 1974-January 1977 47.2
Jimmy Carter January 1977-January 1981 45.5
Ronald Reagan January 1981-January 1989 52.8
George H.W. Bush January 1989-January 1993 60.9
Bill Clinton January 1993-January 2001 55.1
George W. Bush January 2001-January 2009 49.4
Barack Obama January 2009-January 2017 47.9
Yeah. I know. But I'm so over the self-promotion.
what's your point?
fuckhead will say or do ANYTHING that will drive 'libtards' crazy.
how much you wanna bet the mainstream auto industry doesn't change back and keeps making cars with better emissions and mileage, because that's what the CUSTOMERS want.
they don't give a fuck about trump. they give a fuck about selling cars. nobody wants to drive a car that gets 9 mpg again.

American auto makers are dropping sedans in favor of trucks and SUVs. Americans don't care about mpg.
American auto makers are dropping sedans in favor of trucks and SUVs. Americans don't care about mpg.
except that todays regular size SUV's are getting 20-22/30 mpg. a far cry better than my 1991 4x4 suburban got. i just got a 2018 Jeep Compass and it's getting the mileage i listed. the auto industry has already invested in the tech to get better mpg's. they're not going to go backwards.
except that todays regular size SUV's are getting 20-22/30 mpg. a far cry better than my 1991 4x4 suburban got. i just got a 2018 Jeep Compass and it's getting the mileage i listed. the auto industry has already invested in the tech to get better mpg's. they're not going to go backwards.
Agreed. That's what sells, so why would automakers commit time and resources to developing sedans that go unsold. Most small to mid-size SUVs come with ~2 litre 4 cylinder engines anymore. They make up for it with 6-8 speed transmissions. I just with they'd make standard trannys more available.
My 04 Grand Cherokee gets 11-12 in town and 14 on the highway...15 if I've got a wind behind me. At this point I'm completely sick of vehicles. They have become rolling entertainment systems designed to be outdated in two years...the industry is disgusting. What we need is like a state designed car and everyone drives the same......a 4 cyclinder bare bones car like an old Geo Metro . Not Gps, no auto link, no nothing. people will then spend less time in their beloved cars (Gods)
i think its pretty clear manafort is more scarred of what the russians would do to him vs life in prison here.
My 04 Grand Cherokee gets 11-12 in town and 14 on the highway...15 if I've got a wind behind me. At this point I'm completely sick of vehicles. They have become rolling entertainment systems designed to be outdated in two years...the industry is disgusting. What we need is like a state designed car and everyone drives the same......a 4 cyclinder bare bones car like an old Geo Metro . Not Gps, no auto link, no nothing. people will then spend less time in their beloved cars (Gods)

Nothing in this statement has any basis in reality, either.
i think its pretty clear manafort is more scarred of what the russians would do to him vs life in prison here.
why do you think that?
how would the russians get their hands on him?
so you're saying he's not rolling over?

edit: i'm not arguing with you. just asking why you think so.
edit 2: if he did go to prison, the russians would have him in minutes.
edit 3: i think the russians are going to kill anyway. he's already let out too much.
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Nothing in this statement has any basis in reality, either.
fake news bro and here's why...It's well known that the reason jeep dropped the 4.0 in 2oo5 (and a couple years later for the TJ is because it was bringing down the whole Chrysler mpg. It was one of the longest running, best engines but it was inefficient as hell in gas milage. Also fact that they get under 15 mpg.That is reality.

From my perspective (started in the repair business in 1993) people drive shit ton way more miles than they used too. It was totally uncommon a couple decades ago to see cars with over 200,000 miles. let me rephrase that it was totally uncommon to see cars with 140,000 miles in a 10 year old vehicle. I see 4 year old cars nowdays come in with 60,000 miles or more. People are driving like 20,000 miles a year....why because of comfort and increased gas milage. Make an uncomfortable car, a noisy car, a car that you have to work with and doesn't drive itself and people will drive less.
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