OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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talk about "through the looking glass".....holy sheep shit.
also, i didn't know cheeto was "ON TOUR". [rolls eyes]

‘We are Q’: A deranged conspiracy cult leaps from the Internet to the crowd at Trump’s ‘MAGA’ tour

On Tuesday evening, the dark recesses of the Internet lit up with talk of politics.

“Tampa rally, live coverage,” wrote “Dan,” posting a link to President Trump’s Tampa speech in a thread on 8chan, an anonymous image board also known as Infinitechan or Infinitychan, which might be best described as the unglued twin of better-known 4chan, a message board already untethered from reality.

The thread invited “requests to Q,” an anonymous user claiming to be a government agent with top security clearance, waging war against the so-called deep state in service to the 45th president. “Q” feeds disciples, or “bakers,” scraps of intelligence, or “bread crumbs,” that they scramble to bake into an understanding of the “storm” —the community’s term, drawn from Trump’s cryptic reference last year to “the calm before the storm” — for the president’s final conquest over elites, globalists and deep-state saboteurs.

What Tuesday’s rally in Tampa made apparent is that devotees of these falsehoods — some of which are specific to faith in the president, others garden-variety nonsense with racist and anti-Semitic undertones — don’t just exist in the far reaches of the Web.
Just FYI, Prager U is a clearing house for Libertarian and Alt Right propaganda dressed up to seem respectable/reasonable.

I'll admit that I was not familiar with Prager U when I posted the video, so after your post I went to check out their website. Labeling them Alt Right seems a bit extreme. They are definitely conservative, but I didn't see any alt-right/white supreme-ist/racist driven content on their website. I don't buy into the idea that every conservative is a racist biggot any more than I believe every liberal is a socialist extremist.

Prager U also isn't a U. It is simply Dennis Prager attempting to give legitimacy to his propaganda.

Agreed, and they're up-front about that on their website...the "not a U" part.
Rep. Adam Schiff: Republicans ‘Refused’ to Bring in Russian Spy For Fear of Tarnishing NRA

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) appeared on CNN’s New Day to confirm a tweet that he sent Tuesday indicating that the GOP was not interested in questioning Maria Butina, a Russian operative who allegedly established a backchannel to the Republican Party through the NRA.

“We heard credible allegations that the Russians may have been funneling money through the NRA, so yes, we wanted to pursue this, but like many other things, when it got too hot, the republican reaction was, we don’t want to know, we’d rather not know,” Schiff explained to New Day’s Alisyn Camerota.

“Indeed, even today, as we continue to bring in witnesses, the majority continues to call the witnesses who are coming before our committee, and telling them: ‘Do not come in, don’t tell the Democrats anything,'” he added.

A baffled Camerota looked to clarify his comments. “Just to be clear, you’re saying that your Republican colleagues on the committee called her and said do not come in? How exactly did they block her sharing information with you?”

“During the course of time when they were actively in the investigation, the majority that is, we said let’s bring in Maria Butina, here are the circumstances, here are the reasons why we should hear from her,” Schiff said. “The Republicans were unwilling. They said no. We don’t want to have them come in, we don’t want to hear what they have to say. They wouldn’t explain why but it was very clear that anything that might tarnish the NRA, anything that might lead to discoverable evidence that might incriminate the White House, they didn’t want to hear.”
I'll admit that I was not familiar with Prager U when I posted the video, so after your post I went to check out their website. Labeling them Alt Right seems a bit extreme. They are definitely conservative, but I didn't see any alt-right/white supreme-ist/racist driven content on their website. I don't buy into the idea that every conservative is a racist biggot any more than I believe every liberal is a socialist extremist.

Agreed, and they're up-front about that on their website...the "not a U" part.

Alt Right isn’t just racist crap or rather “ethno-nationalist pride.” It’s a whole host of “paleoconservative” and “traditionalist” worldviews ranging from Manosphere nonsense (alphas, betas, Chads, and incels) to neo-monarchist arguments to bizarre affinities for Eastern Orthodox traditions. There’s a lot of “might makes right” nonsense and inner warrior whatnot and anti-modernity chatter—often dressed up as “Western Values” and critiques of postmodernism or “Americanism” and the false capitalism of global corporate oligarchy that screws over the RUGGED INDIVIDUALIST WHO THINKS FOR HIMSELF AND TELLS IT LIKE IT IS SOCIETY AND SCHOOLMARMS BE DAMNED. All of this often overlaps with rants about both boomers and snowflakes.

There’s certainly a race-baiting component to a lot of these arguments, but a lot of time the savvier parts of the alt right obscures these aspects (rather than alarmist crap about how the Jews are coming to get you!) and focuses on things that sound good and “common sense-based” (versus nonsense about international Jesuit pedophile rings!) so that people will unthinkingly share and retweet this crap like an insidious pseudointellectual Trojan horse.

Oh, and the alt right hates toxins and GMOs just like tons of folks on the left. And many of them got hep to geo-politics via anti-Bush 9/11 truth movements and/or interest in the JFK assasination and Cold War mind control nonsense (MK Ultra).
Oh boy, here we go!

I'll admit that I was not familiar with Prager U when I posted the video, so after your post I went to check out their website. Labeling them Alt Right seems a bit extreme. They are definitely conservative, but I didn't see any alt-right/white supreme-ist/racist driven content on their website. I don't buy into the idea that every conservative is a racist biggot any more than I believe every liberal is a socialist extremist.

Here’s the thing about effective racist arguments, they never really start off “don’t you hate X people, they’re not even human.”

Instead, effective racist arguments will work abstractly. “Don’t you work hard for what you have? Wouldn’t it be unfair if someone who didn’t work hard had the same amount as you for, say, doing nothing because they have a personal failing that keeps them from working hard?”

And then when you unthinkingly agree, then you start in with the insidious part.

“You see group X over there...they’re not doing as well as you...can we agree it’s because they don’t work hard...sure. I mean, you’re an example of how hard work can earn you nice things. That’s because their physiology/psychology/culture/convenient excuse just hasn’t prepared them for hard work and success. It’s not their fault, but it’s not your’s either. So it wouldn’t be fair to give them a hand out thereby perpetuating the cycle of not trying hard. And it would certainly be very bad if some group expected, nay, forced you to kick in to help them out. If people don’t want to better themselves, that’s their problem. And if they can’t get it together and work hard, well, they’re better off not existing at all. It would be cruel to encourage people to bring more kids into this misery.”

It’s a “reasonable” argument if you avoid context and history. And it’s flattering. And the terribly racist elements are cloaked and kept at arm’s length. And what I’ve outlined above is often used as a case for Libertarianism. The individual is free to make all decisions and any failure is because of bad decisions because context doesn’t exist and it is unfair for anyone to compel me to assist someone else who makes bad decisions. Which is not unlike the tenets of philosophical/moral Satanism.

Which is a pretty damn metal mode of existence, so you’re probably down with that sort of thing.
Trump tells supporters, ‘Polls are fake, just like everything else’

Just a couple of weeks into his presidency, Donald Trump was confronted with a series of national polls suggesting he was off to a difficult start. It led the new president to make a bold declaration about all public-opinion surveys: “Any negative polls are fake news.”

It was a hint of things to come. As Trump framed it, polls he likes are real and trustworthy, while polls he dislikes are unreliable and “fake.” Why? Because he says so.

All of this came to mind last night, when the president returned to the subject during a rally in Tampa.

Trump at the campaign-style rally first accused the news media of suppressing polls that indicate positive numbers about his presidency.

“Polls are fake, just like everything else,” Trump declared during the rally in Tampa, echoing his attacks on “fake news.”

Moments later, the president assured his supporters, “They just came out with a poll – the most popular person in the history of the Republican Party is Trump! Can you believe that?”

Well, no, actually we can’t believe that – in part because it’s not true, and in part because Trump had just finished telling everyone that “polls are fake, just like everything else.”

What was especially striking, though, about last night’s line was the degree to which it fits into an unsettling presidential worldview. Indeed, it was just last week that Trump told an audience, “Just remember: What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”

The two lines create a striking pair of bookends: it’s important to Trump that his followers don’t believe what they see, because “everything” is “fake.”

Everything, that is, except what their leader tells them is true.

As we discussed last week, this is all part of the president’s effort to position himself as the sole of authority for truth. In fact, it’s become an unsubtle staple of the Trump presidency: Don’t trust news organizations. Don’t trust the courts. Don’t trust U.S. intelligence agencies. Don’t trust unemployment numbers. Don’t even trust election results. Don’t trust photographs of inaugurations.

The list, however, keeps growing. The FBI is suspect. So is the Justice Department. So are climate scientists. So are medical professionals who aren’t comfortable with regressive GOP health care plans. So are polls, which should be seen as “fake” if Trump doesn’t like the results.

The authority for truth will tell us what’s true. Others are not to be trusted.

Adding insult to injury are those who volunteer to go along with these tactics. Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Tex.), the chairman of the House Science Committee, advised Americans last year “to get your news directly from the president. In fact, it might be the only way to get the unvarnished truth.”

This is a twisted perspective, not just because the president routinely has no use for reality, but also because, in a democratic society, the idea that truth-seeking citizens must turn exclusively to the national leader is so antithetical to American norms, it’s genuinely offensive.
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Trump tells supporters, ‘Polls are fake, just like everything else’

Just a couple of weeks into his presidency, Donald Trump was confronted with a series of national polls suggesting he was off to a difficult start. It led the new president to make a bold declaration about all public-opinion surveys: “Any negative polls are fake news.”

It was a hint of things to come. As Trump framed it, polls he likes are real and trustworthy, while polls he dislikes are unreliable and “fake.” Why? Because he says so.

All of this came to mind last night, when the president returned to the subject during a rally in Tampa.

Trump at the campaign-style rally first accused the news media of suppressing polls that indicate positive numbers about his presidency.

“Polls are fake, just like everything else,” Trump declared during the rally in Tampa, echoing his attacks on “fake news.”

Moments later, the president assured his supporters, “They just came out with a poll – the most popular person in the history of the Republican Party is Trump! Can you believe that?”

Well, no, actually we can’t believe that – in part because it’s not true, and in part because Trump had just finished telling everyone that “polls are fake, just like everything else.”

What was especially striking, though, about last night’s line was the degree to which it fits into an unsettling presidential worldview. Indeed, it was just last week that Trump told an audience, “Just remember: What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”

The two lines create a striking pair of bookends: it’s important to Trump that his followers don’t believe what they see, because “everything” is “fake.”

Everything, that is, except what their leader tells them is true.

As we discussed last week, this is all part of the president’s effort to position himself as the sole of authority for truth. In fact, it’s become an unsubtle staple of the Trump presidency: Don’t trust news organizations. Don’t trust the courts. Don’t trust U.S. intelligence agencies. Don’t trust unemployment numbers. Don’t even trust election results. Don’t trust photographs of inaugurations.

The list, however, keeps growing. The FBI is suspect. So is the Justice Department. So are climate scientists. So are medical professionals who aren’t comfortable with regressive GOP health care plans. So are polls, which should be seen as “fake” if Trump doesn’t like the results.

The authority for truth will tell us what’s true. Others are not to be trusted.

Adding insult to injury are those who volunteer to go along with these tactics. Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Tex.), the chairman of the House Science Committee, advised Americans last year “to get your news directly from the president. In fact, it might be the only way to get the unvarnished truth.”

This is a twisted perspective, not just because the president routinely has no use for reality, but also because, in a democratic society, the idea that truth-seeking citizens must turn exclusively to the national leader is so antithetical to American norms, it’s genuinely offensive.

It’s kinda amazing that the response to living in a society with unparalleled access to data and real-time information is a shrugging “Aw, fuck it. Nothing matters anyway. What even is facts?!”

I’d like to believe this is an aberration solely attributable to Trumpism. But then I have a conversation with other folks (nice, liberal folks) and I’m not super comfy.

Have you all noticed that people are more willing to embrace astrology lately?
It’s kinda amazing that the response to living in a society with unparalleled access to data and real-time information is a shrugging “Aw, fuck it. Nothing matters anyway. What even is facts?!”

I’d like to believe this is an aberration solely attributable to Trumpism. But then I have a conversation with other folks (nice, liberal folks) and I’m not super comfy.

Have you all noticed that people are more willing to embrace astrology lately?

The lack of critical thinking in all walks of life and among all political stripes is a concern. But the aggressive hostility toward it, the adherence to the idea of an separate-but-unequal bubble universe with alternate facts and truths so rampant among the right, the blithe willingness to take whatever illogical, inconsistent, baldly-ridiculous bullshit that Big Daddy says at face value .... that stuff is truly shocking.

Asimov said back in 1980:
“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”

I'm beginning to believe Old Muttonchops was seriously understating the problem.

ALEX JONES SUES PARENTS OF SANDY HOOK VICTIM Infowars founder Alex Jones is seeking more than $100,000 in court costs from the family of Noah Pozner, who was murdered in the Sandy Hook school massacre. Noah’s parents, who are suing Jones for defamation for claiming their son’s death was an elaborate hoax, have faced death threats and online harassment from Jones’ followers. [The New York Times]

It's a fuckin' great time to be alive.
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