OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Trump tells supporters, ‘Polls are fake, just like everything else’

Just a couple of weeks into his presidency, Donald Trump was confronted with a series of national polls suggesting he was off to a difficult start. It led the new president to make a bold declaration about all public-opinion surveys: “Any negative polls are fake news.”

It was a hint of things to come. As Trump framed it, polls he likes are real and trustworthy, while polls he dislikes are unreliable and “fake.” Why? Because he says so.

All of this came to mind last night, when the president returned to the subject during a rally in Tampa.

Trump at the campaign-style rally first accused the news media of suppressing polls that indicate positive numbers about his presidency.

“Polls are fake, just like everything else,” Trump declared during the rally in Tampa, echoing his attacks on “fake news.”

Moments later, the president assured his supporters, “They just came out with a poll – the most popular person in the history of the Republican Party is Trump! Can you believe that?”

Well, no, actually we can’t believe that – in part because it’s not true, and in part because Trump had just finished telling everyone that “polls are fake, just like everything else.”

What was especially striking, though, about last night’s line was the degree to which it fits into an unsettling presidential worldview. Indeed, it was just last week that Trump told an audience, “Just remember: What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”

The two lines create a striking pair of bookends: it’s important to Trump that his followers don’t believe what they see, because “everything” is “fake.”

Everything, that is, except what their leader tells them is true.

As we discussed last week, this is all part of the president’s effort to position himself as the sole of authority for truth. In fact, it’s become an unsubtle staple of the Trump presidency: Don’t trust news organizations. Don’t trust the courts. Don’t trust U.S. intelligence agencies. Don’t trust unemployment numbers. Don’t even trust election results. Don’t trust photographs of inaugurations.

The list, however, keeps growing. The FBI is suspect. So is the Justice Department. So are climate scientists. So are medical professionals who aren’t comfortable with regressive GOP health care plans. So are polls, which should be seen as “fake” if Trump doesn’t like the results.

The authority for truth will tell us what’s true. Others are not to be trusted.

Adding insult to injury are those who volunteer to go along with these tactics. Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Tex.), the chairman of the House Science Committee, advised Americans last year “to get your news directly from the president. In fact, it might be the only way to get the unvarnished truth.”

This is a twisted perspective, not just because the president routinely has no use for reality, but also because, in a democratic society, the idea that truth-seeking citizens must turn exclusively to the national leader is so antithetical to American norms, it’s genuinely offensive.

this is the setup to a take over, for sure. it's not a 'conspiracy' theory. they're doing it in broad daylight every single day.
they're setting up either a cancellation of the election or a nullification of it.
we're headed for an armed revolution, again.
that or an outside takeover, i.e. red dawn.
Just when you think things can't get any worse. I was wondering where shit like this was coming from in my newsfeed from high school classmates:

Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at 8.16.20 AM.png

Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at 8.16.35 AM.png

And here it is:

‘We are Q’: A deranged conspiracy cult leaps from the Internet to the crowd at Trump’s ‘MAGA’ tour
this is the setup to a take over, for sure. it's not a 'conspiracy' theory. they're doing it in broad daylight every single day.
they're setting up either a cancellation of the election or a nullification of it.
we're headed for an armed revolution, again.
that or an outside takeover, i.e. red dawn.

Alex Jones makes this same point every day...except instead of blaming Trump, he’s screaming about globalists and bankers and elites.
QAnon is goddamn fascinating. A lot of connections to bitcoin/crypto/blockchain utopianism. Weird shit.

And the tinfoilhattoverse’s obsession with secret pedophile black magic sex rings is amazing. It’s like the satanic panic meets the blood libel with art direction by Lady Gaga.
what happens when a foreign country doesn't back their candidate and their guy loses? those don't look like the type of people who will just accept defeat and go quietly into the night.

what happens when a mountain of evidence of collusion comes out? they wont believe it if godemperor trump tells them its fake.

things could get real dicey here. those folks are way too dug in to ever admit they might have gotten conned. there is a large chunk of people who would much rather inflict more damage to a sinking ship that admit defeat and try to find a life boat.
good guy doing good things

This store employee's simple gesture meant the world to a teen with autism

A grocery store employee is being lauded for helping a teen with autism stock shelves in a fridge.

Sid Edwards and his son Jack Ryan Edwards, 17, visited their local Rouses Market in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on Sunday. Jack Ryan, who is on the autism spectrum, took notice of what one of the employees was working on: stocking shelves in a fridge.
Edwards said Jack Ryan was mesmerized by what the store employee was doing. At first, Edwards thought his son wanted orange juice.
But after getting the juice, Jack Ryan stood still watching the employee work.

That's when the employee, identified by CNN affiliate WAFB as 20-year-old Jordan Taylor, approached Jack Ryan.

"Something in the back of my mind was just like, 'ask if he wants to help you,'" Taylor told WAFB.
Jack Ryan and Taylor teamed up to stock the shelves together for half an hour, with Taylor handing Jack Ryan the products and Jack Ryan diligently putting them in the fridge.

"It was a big deal," Edwards said of seeing his son being able to help with the task.
"To me, when you go to a grocery store with an autistic kid, especially when they're young, people don't understand, they're not very accepting."
"Somehow this young man reached my son ... he went into Jack Ryan's world."

[i wonder how many MAGA bro's would do this]
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