OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Go unions! I wish our unions had a little more clout and power these days.

Just went and saw our local production of Woody Guthrie's American Song, written by Peter Glazer. We are blessed in our little community with a very good local theater troop. The show was damn good. If anyone has a chance to see it, do. Now I am wanting to figure out some of my own covers of Woody Guthrie songs. I am just saddened that it seems his words and music are so applicable yet again. Though I guess they never did stop applying, though the middle and working classes did better for a while. Plenty of union talk in the show.

"I hate a song that makes you think you are not any good. I hate a song that makes you think that you are just born to lose. Bound to lose. No good to nobody. No good for nothing. Because you are too old or too young or too fat or too slim. Too ugly or too this or too that. Songs that run you down or poke fun at you on account of your bad luck or hard traveling. I'm out to fight those songs to my very last breath of air and my last drop of blood. I am out to sing songs that will prove to you that this is your world and that if it has hit you pretty hard and knocked you for a dozen loops, no matter what color, what size you are, how you are built, I am out to sing the songs that make you take pride in yourself and in your work. And the songs that I sing are made up for the most part by all sorts of folks just about like you.

I could hire out to the other side, the big money side, and get several dollars every week just to quit singing my own songs and to sing the kind that knock you down farther and the ones that poke fun at you even more and the ones that make you think you've not got any sense at all. But I decided a long time ago that I'd starve to death before I'd sing any such songs as that. The radio waves and your movies and your jukeboxes and your songbooks are already loaded down and running over with such no good songs as that anyhow."

Have you checked out the Mermaid Avenue recordings?
Nope, none of those on YHF or any other Wilco studio album. And it is a collaboration with Billy Bragg of some of Woodies lyrics that had never been put to music.

Plenty of cool stuff on the 3 Mermaid Avenue Sessions albums, but I am partial to this one (along with California Stars)

Yeah, the first one is superb. The flaws of both Wilco and Bragg magically disappeared for that record.
Go unions! I wish our unions had a little more clout and power these days.

Just went and saw our local production of Woody Guthrie's American Song, written by Peter Glazer. We are blessed in our little community with a very good local theater troop. The show was damn good. If anyone has a chance to see it, do. Now I am wanting to figure out some of my own covers of Woody Guthrie songs. I am just saddened that it seems his words and music are so applicable yet again. Though I guess they never did stop applying, though the middle and working classes did better for a while. Plenty of union talk in the show.

"I hate a song that makes you think you are not any good. I hate a song that makes you think that you are just born to lose. Bound to lose. No good to nobody. No good for nothing. Because you are too old or too young or too fat or too slim. Too ugly or too this or too that. Songs that run you down or poke fun at you on account of your bad luck or hard traveling. I'm out to fight those songs to my very last breath of air and my last drop of blood. I am out to sing songs that will prove to you that this is your world and that if it has hit you pretty hard and knocked you for a dozen loops, no matter what color, what size you are, how you are built, I am out to sing the songs that make you take pride in yourself and in your work. And the songs that I sing are made up for the most part by all sorts of folks just about like you.

I could hire out to the other side, the big money side, and get several dollars every week just to quit singing my own songs and to sing the kind that knock you down farther and the ones that poke fun at you even more and the ones that make you think you've not got any sense at all. But I decided a long time ago that I'd starve to death before I'd sing any such songs as that. The radio waves and your movies and your jukeboxes and your songbooks are already loaded down and running over with such no good songs as that anyhow."

Speaking of unions, I think gutting labor laws in today's agenda for SCOTUS.
The SCOTUS stuff is really depressing to me. As I said early on after numb nutz shockingly won, the SCOTUS and federal court appointments will be among some of the worst of the damage. Along with all the environmental, etc.

Can't remember at what point I gave up hope they would declare the election null and void, remove Trump and Gorsuch and everybody else.
it's nice that the judge ordered the kids be returned to their parents, but this admin. will simply refuse to follow the order.

Judge Bars Migrant Family Separations, Orders Return Of Children Within 30 Days

A federal judge in San Diego has barred the separation of migrant children and ordered that those currently detained under the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" policy be reunited with families within 30 days.

The order, which came down late Tuesday, is the result of an American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit. It requires children younger than five who are detained in federally contracted shelters to be returned to their parents even sooner — within 14 days. Parents are entitled to speak with their children within 10 days, according to the ruling by U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California.

"The unfortunate reality is that under the present system, migrant children are not accounted for with the same efficiency and accuracy as property," Judge Dana M. Sabraw said in the ruling.

"The facts set forth before the Court portray reactive governance responses to address a chaotic circumstance of the Government's own making," Sabraw said in a pointed ruling clearly aimed at the Trump administration's handling of the situation on the southern border, where more than 2,000 migrant children have been separated from their parents in recent weeks.

"They belie measured and ordered governance, which is central to the concept of due process enshrined in our Constitution," Sabraw said.
Nope, none of those on YHF or any other Wilco studio album. And it is a collaboration with Billy Bragg of some of Woodies lyrics that had never been put to music.

Plenty of cool stuff on the 3 Mermaid Avenue Sessions albums, but I am partial to this one (along with California Stars)

Totally mis-spoke. I meant Alpha Mike Foxtrot. Cali Stars at least is on there. That is how I found out about it. Gonna purchase the first album this week.

I am not a motorcyclist, and not a Harley fan. If I was a motorcyclist, I would choose differently. But like this guy telling it like it is.

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that is beautiful. Aren't a lot of the trumpunkskis Harley People though ?
Mebbe. I did always want a bike. But if I did, it was gonna be either Ninja style, Beemer touring style, or one of those on/off road ones once I moved here. Would have been really cool for dirt back road touring. Re: Harleys, my old ski school supervisor used to say, "If I wanted a vibrator, I would have shopped at that other store." Me, I just find them annoying as the main highway runs through our mountain towns, and many shops and restaurants are open to the street when it is warm or have patios, and the things are just so darned unnecessarily loud!
Probably what he is hoping for. Then he and his kids can buy up all the real estate they can.

That's been the plan all along. Tank the economy and consolidate power. Credit to the obstructionists who have dragged it out this long, but it's not going to be enough.
Probably what he is hoping for. Then he and his kids can buy up all the real estate they can.
Go see the Guthrie show I mentioned last night if it is being put on near you. Other than the dust bowl (and with climate change, who knows?) the parallels to these times and the actions of the banks in the last recession are eerie.
Speaking of unions, I think gutting labor laws in today's agenda for SCOTUS.
And yeah, I just saw a NYT alert up in the upper right corner of my screen announcing the blow to the unions a couple minutes ago. I don't want to go read it yet. Too damn depressing, considering this is our court for a good long while now.
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