OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Fuck it. I am going to begin working on a plan B for moving if things. Will still try to hold some optimism and grit, like Woody (inspired me last night it, it did), but doesn't hurt to have a plan B.
Fuck it. I am going to begin working on a plan B for moving if things. Will still try to hold some optimism and grit, like Woody (inspired me last night it, it did), but doesn't hurt to have a plan B.
if i could afford to move out of the USA, i would have gone in november 2016. i already knew what this shit head and his sycophant lackys in congress were going to do, just not in what order and how fast.
well, it's all over now. enter Garland.

Justice Kennedy to retire, opening Supreme Court seat

"Kennedy's long-rumored decision to step down July 31 will touch off a titanic battle between conservatives and liberals in the nation's capital, on the airwaves, and in states represented by key senators whose votes will be needed to confirm his successor."

The good news just keeps coming.
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