OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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I ran into the water in April in Laguna and stepped on a sting ray. Got me above the ankle. Didn't know to shuffle in that time of year. The Babe Watch lifeguards and the care they gave me was very pleasant. And no, nobody pissed on me.

What did you expect? Not like you are the president.
I can't wait to see Trump's list of justice candidates. Ted Nugent, Omarosa, Scot Baio, Hilter's skull fragment*, Joe Arpaio, Steve Bannon, Alex Jones....should be a regular shit storm of people.

*on loan from Russians.
Do fictional characters count for conversational purposes?

Agreed. Again, not my area of law. But as important as it was, from the view of precedent in how this country proceeds, to balance on the bench, I expected more of a fight.
That's hindsight. So many were sure at the time that the Orange Menace didn't have a chance, and that Hillary would do something like appoint Obama.
I can't wait to see Trump's list of justice candidates. Ted Nugent, Omarosa, Scot Baio, Hilter's skull fragment*, Joe Arpaio, Steve Bannon, Alex Jones....should be a regular shit storm of people.

*on loan from Russians.
Don't forget a cabinet post for Kirk Cameron.

Honestly, I seriously think he should hire Dennis Miller as his Press Secretary. At least he'd be fun to watch.
That's hindsight. So many were sure at the time that the Orange Menace didn't have a chance, and that Hillary would do something like appoint Obama.
I didn't like it at all while it was happening, regardless of cheeto's perceived chances. Allowing that level of politicizing of the appointment process to go unchallenged I felt allowed a really dangerous precedent to be set. Now, and it looks like starting right now, rather than looking for a very well qualified jurist that fits within a range of belief, it looks like a political showdown trying to get the most Democrat guy or most GOP guy, and the other "side" dragging their feet forever. I abhor it.
When the new conservative Supreme Court repeals all gay rights and ends abortion, I'm going to make it a point to continually remind the Bernie Bros and "protest vote" people that this is what happens when you refuse to vote for the lesser of two evils.

This is what happens when candidates who are "supposed to win" don't even bother to connect with voters outside of their base. Don't like how people vote? Get more voters. 42% of the electorate didn't vote. There's plenty of people out there to engage.
When the new conservative Supreme Court repeals all gay rights and ends abortion, I'm going to make it a point to continually remind the Bernie Bros and "protest vote" people that this is what happens when you refuse to vote for the lesser of two evils.

This is what happens when candidates who are "supposed to win" don't even bother to connect with voters outside of their base. Don't like how people vote? Get more voters. 42% of the electorate didn't vote. There's plenty of people out there to engage.

Both of these points are correct.
When the new conservative Supreme Court repeals all gay rights and ends abortion, I'm going to make it a point to continually remind the Bernie Bros and "protest vote" people that this is what happens when you refuse to vote for the lesser of two evils. end up with the greater of the two evils.
(finished the thought)
Both of these points are correct.
This is what I keep saying. Kind of repetitive, and frustrated sounding, but this is my post on the topic in a FB feed.

This is true. [that we are living with consequences of protest votes/non-votes] And when Bernie lost, I immediately started campaigning for Hilary, doing everything I could. Door-belling, work with the local DNC, etc. However, the DNC was not quite right through all of this either, and had some work to do after the dust settled that I do not think has been fully accomplished. Things were exposed that were not right. (Wasserman-Schultz, etc.) Whether it truly cost Bernie the victory is debatable, but it should hot have happened. The DNC needs to do better work to reunite progressive people. I will help them work. But I also want to see leadership do a better job. Especially at the national and regional levels. That said, staying home all butt-hurt makes none of this crap better. Everyone needs to pitch in. But leadership has a higher duty.
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