OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Ok, I am no constitutional scholar in the sense that lawyers and law professors claim that term. So I am sitting here wondering why, when Trump and co. pretty much admit that they don't follow the emoluments clause, and that it is "just not practical" for him to follow, nothing is done on that basis. *looks some shit up* Looks like it is a civil thing only and not any sort of basis for criminal charges or action. Though I suppose Congress could impeach on that basis. But they won't. Some States are pursuing it via lawsuit. I doubt much will happen.

Some have said they would impeach (Like the demo-soc candidate that won the primary over the establishment dem) on that basis, but unless we see a change in Congress, . . .
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they announced hillary was the nominee before CA even voted in their primary, which was not even true at the time. def kept people from voting. The DNC is responsible for giving us trump. every time they showed the delegate count they always included the superdelgates who hadn't voted yet just to make it seem like she had a huge lead. all of these things planted mental images in people's mind that it wasn't close when Bernie was filling huge arenas and she couldn't even get 100 people to her rallies.

Bernie would have killed trump.
I, for one, am looking forward to the nomination of Jeff Sessions to the SCOTUS.

Unlikely, but not impossible.


no way sessions get on SCOTUS. shitler is way too pissed at him for that.
i still say Roy Moore is a possibility
no way sessions get on SCOTUS. shitler is way too pissed at him for that.
i still say Roy Moore is a possibility

Naw, Trump started hedging on his support of Moore at the last minute. Moore might be vindictive.

I'm guessing it will be Giuliani.

Or - it's a long shot for sure - but maybe that's why Sanders is leaving her current job. Maybe Trump figures the end of legal abortions will be more palatable to the female populace if a woman is involved in the decision.

On the third hand, maybe Putin will have Trump put in one the Russian oligarchs. Hell, maybe Putin himself fancies a black robe. There's no constitutional prerequisites for the position.
This is what happens when candidates who are "supposed to win" don't even bother to connect with voters outside of their base. Don't like how people vote? Get more voters. 42% of the electorate didn't vote. There's plenty of people out there to engage.

This is true, but not relevant to the point at hand. Sure Clinton and the DNC both fucked up royally, but that did not absolve anyone of their duty to suck it up and get to the polls to insure the most suitable person ended up in the White House. It wasn't like anyone didn't realize that the next POTUS would certainly be choosing at least one (and likely two, and maybe three) justices.

The fact is that anyone who voted third party, or didn't vote because of the way the DNC treated Sanders, or because the "lesser of two evils is still evil" owns what is happening in this country. This is new world is what their protest accomplished.
Will Stenberg
Yesterday at 2:10 AM
I hate “we’re fucked.”

I mean, I don’t want to shame anyone who has said it, thought it, or posted it. I have too. But as a philosophy, as a statement of belief, I hate it. Because it means you’ve given up.

We are absolutely NOT fucked.

Things are so bad. This country has taken a turn that I could never have predicted. It is absolutely fascist, nativist, and extremist. It’s every bit as scary as it seems.

But we are not fucked.

I read a long-form article on the Russia hacks in the New Yorker not long ago. However much you think that influenced the outcome, it was an instructive piece of journalism. There is very little indication that there was a specific political agenda that was being wished for. The goal was simple: Sow chaos and undermine the faith of Westerners in their own institutions.

This is really important to think about right now.

I have a high regard for Mueller and I think his investigation will have some influence. But don’t wait on him to save us. He can’t. And don’t wait on impeachment. I would support it fervently, but it is nothing to bank on. And especially don't assume Trump can't win again. He absolutely can. Our best bet - better, even, than all of our protests and actions - is actually voting.

It’s so square. It’s so old-fashioned. Many of us involved with the hard-left or anarchist scene have been trained to disregard it.

Fucking don’t. NOT NOW, guys. It is the best tool at our disposal. Yeah, you can say that they will sabotage it, reject it, whatever. “Sufficient to the day is the evil thereof.” In other words, don’t create troubles before they exist. Anything seems possible to me right now, but it remains the case - despite hacked voting machines and gerrymandering - that there is no known mechanism by which our government can deny massive voter turnout.

Take back the House in November. Then take back the Presidency in 2020. The worst thing we could do is pretend that these are givens. I never, ever, ever thought that this piece of shit could sit in the Oval Office. I was so humbled by my error. Therefore I assume he could take it again - I know he could - unless we accept the threat as real.

When we say, “We’re fucked,” we roll over. We defeat ourselves. We do their job for them. Don’t do that. We are NOT fucked. We are in a fight. It sucks. It’s hard. People are suffering. The earth is suffering. It will get worse.

You know, since everyone loves the Nazi comparisons, there were people during the HEYDAY of the Third Reich who NEVER said, “We’re fucked.” They said, “We’re in a fight.” And you know what’s interesting? Nazi Germany went from the worst regime in the world to a liberal democracy within a lifetime.

Look at Japan. Take the historical view. Stop pretending that the worst of what’s happening now is what is going to always happen. This is what is happening RIGHT NOW. That’s all you know. If you think it’s going to be this way forever, read a book.

Countries slide into fascism for long periods. It happens. Countries also have short-term extremist right-wing governments. Happens in Europe all the time. They get voted out. The threat remains. The threat of fascism will remain in America in a way it never has before. It’s a real movement. But we’re not fucked. Not even close. We can get off the ropes in the mid-terms and knock them out in 2020. But only if we stop saying that we’re fucked, and start seeing this as a fight.

I’m no Pollyanna. Things are so unutterably bad that I walk around in a constant state of nausea and horror. But you have to take the historical view, and you can’t lie down and say we’re doomed, or else they have beaten you.

Again, I don’t want to shame anyone who says, “We’re fucked” as an emotional reaction. I get it, I really do. But if you say that as a historical reality, then you SHOULD be ashamed. We are so far from being fucked. It's time for that warrior spirit, from everyone.

Our best bet, actually our only realistic bet, is to mobilize the vote. There has always been a silver lining to this situation. I have always hesitated to state it, for fear of sounding like I am not taking the horror seriously. Fuck that; I do. But there has always been the possibility, there remains the possibility, that this is a time when our country faces up to its worst reflection, sees it truly, and breaks the fucking mirror. A time when the last bastion of white power and male supremacy and oligarchy attempts to enact fascism, but the antibodies of the American system and American multi-culturalism kick in to reject it.

Where do you want to stand in that equation? As someone who rolled over because we’ve have had two awful years of shit that much of the world has already experienced many, many, many times over, so you decided that we’re finished and done for? Come on. Look at Europe, look at Africa, look at Asia. Back and forth with this shit, and much worse.

I have your back. Get up. Here’s my hand. Let’s fight.

It can’t become hip to give up. It can’t become hip to say we are fucked. Look at history. People have been so much more fucked than us, and won. If you truly believe we are finished, I’m sorry, but you were the first to fall. Stick a fork in you, turn you over, you’re done. I don’t want to see you do that, if only for the selfish reason that we need you.

Do all the protests, do all the direct action, make all the phone calls, then mobilize in October and November. That’s when we can get off the ropes and start punching again. Take the long view, my sisters and brothers. Don’t let them take you out of the fight.

And if you need me for anything, I am here.

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This is true, but not relevant to the point at hand. Sure Clinton and the DNC both fucked up royally, but that did not absolve anyone of their duty to suck it up and get to the polls to insure the most suitable person ended up in the White House. It wasn't like anyone didn't realize that the next POTUS would certainly be choosing at least one (and likely two, and maybe three) justices.

The fact is that anyone who voted third party, or didn't vote because of the way the DNC treated Sanders, or because the "lesser of two evils is still evil" owns what is happening in this country. This is new world is what their protest accomplished.

42% of the electorate didn't vote. Perhaps engaging them is the way forward. If you don't like how people vote, then convince them to vote for your candidate. Democrats didn't do that. The onus is on the candidate and the party.
42% of the electorate didn't vote. Perhaps engaging them is the way forward. If you don't like how people vote, then convince them to vote for your candidate. Democrats didn't do that. The onus is on the candidate and the party.

We'll have to to agree to disagree. The ultimate responsibility is on us. WE have the responsibility and obligation to choose our government. That any given candidate doesn't sufficiently woo us to make us want to vote for them doesn't release us from that responsibility.

Kroger and Aldi have a responsibility to try to convince me to choose their store. But my responsibility to actually buy groceries so as to not starve to death is the ultimate responsibility.

Let's face it: if the Bernie Bros who didn't vote (or voted green in protest) had sucked it up and voted for Clinton because, while she wasn't the candidate they wanted, she was the better person for the job, we wouldn't be in this mess.
Just stop it! There is absolutely no gain to be had from trying to shame people for what they did or didn't do in 2016. Democrats have a terrible history of looking at the past and spending more time in blaming, shaming, and finger-pointing while the Republicans are busy robbing the store. If you think that finger-wagging will do anything but further drive people away, you are nuts. We need to focus on THIS NOVEMBER! STOP FOCUSING ON 2016 or be prepared for many more years of government that is 100% controlled and owned by the the Ayn Rand crowd to the detriment of the 99%.
We'll have to to agree to disagree. The ultimate responsibility is on us. WE have the responsibility and obligation to choose our government. That any given candidate doesn't sufficiently woo us to make us want to vote for them doesn't release us from that responsibility.

Kroger and Aldi have a responsibility to try to convince me to choose their store. But my responsibility to actually buy groceries so as to not starve to death is the ultimate responsibility.

Let's face it: if the Bernie Bros who didn't vote (or voted green in protest) had sucked it up and voted for Clinton because, while she wasn't the candidate they wanted, she was the better person for the job, we wouldn't be in this mess.

I'm not convinced the Bernie Bros were Democrats. They were voters who registered as Democrats for the sole purpose of voting for Bernie. They weren't party people, and should never have been counted on to vote Democrat in the general election.
Will Stenberg
Yesterday at 2:10 AM
I hate “we’re fucked.”

I mean, I don’t want to shame anyone who has said it, thought it, or posted it. I have too. But as a philosophy, as a statement of belief, I hate it. Because it means you’ve given up.

We are absolutely NOT fucked.

Things are so bad. This country has taken a turn that I could never have predicted. It is absolutely fascist, nativist, and extremist. It’s every bit as scary as it seems.

But we are not fucked.

I read a long-form article on the Russia hacks in the New Yorker not long ago. However much you think that influenced the outcome, it was an instructive piece of journalism. There is very little indication that there was a specific political agenda that was being wished for. The goal was simple: Sow chaos and undermine the faith of Westerners in their own institutions.

This is really important to think about right now.

I have a high regard for Mueller and I think his investigation will have some influence. But don’t wait on him to save us. He can’t. And don’t wait on impeachment. I would support it fervently, but it is nothing to bank on. And especially don't assume Trump can't win again. He absolutely can. Our best bet - better, even, than all of our protests and actions - is actually voting.

It’s so square. It’s so old-fashioned. Many of us involved with the hard-left or anarchist scene have been trained to disregard it.

Fucking don’t. NOT NOW, guys. It is the best tool at our disposal. Yeah, you can say that they will sabotage it, reject it, whatever. “Sufficient to the day is the evil thereof.” In other words, don’t create troubles before they exist. Anything seems possible to me right now, but it remains the case - despite hacked voting machines and gerrymandering - that there is no known mechanism by which our government can deny massive voter turnout.

Take back the House in November. Then take back the Presidency in 2020. The worst thing we could do is pretend that these are givens. I never, ever, ever thought that this piece of shit could sit in the Oval Office. I was so humbled by my error. Therefore I assume he could take it again - I know he could - unless we accept the threat as real.

When we say, “We’re fucked,” we roll over. We defeat ourselves. We do their job for them. Don’t do that. We are NOT fucked. We are in a fight. It sucks. It’s hard. People are suffering. The earth is suffering. It will get worse.

You know, since everyone loves the Nazi comparisons, there were people during the HEYDAY of the Third Reich who NEVER said, “We’re fucked.” They said, “We’re in a fight.” And you know what’s interesting? Nazi Germany went from the worst regime in the world to a liberal democracy within a lifetime.

Look at Japan. Take the historical view. Stop pretending that the worst of what’s happening now is what is going to always happen. This is what is happening RIGHT NOW. That’s all you know. If you think it’s going to be this way forever, read a book.

Countries slide into fascism for long periods. It happens. Countries also have short-term extremist right-wing governments. Happens in Europe all the time. They get voted out. The threat remains. The threat of fascism will remain in America in a way it never has before. It’s a real movement. But we’re not fucked. Not even close. We can get off the ropes in the mid-terms and knock them out in 2020. But only if we stop saying that we’re fucked, and start seeing this as a fight.

I’m no Pollyanna. Things are so unutterably bad that I walk around in a constant state of nausea and horror. But you have to take the historical view, and you can’t lie down and say we’re doomed, or else they have beaten you.

Again, I don’t want to shame anyone who says, “We’re fucked” as an emotional reaction. I get it, I really do. But if you say that as a historical reality, then you SHOULD be ashamed. We are so far from being fucked. It's time for that warrior spirit, from everyone.

Our best bet, actually our only realistic bet, is to mobilize the vote. There has always been a silver lining to this situation. I have always hesitated to state it, for fear of sounding like I am not taking the horror seriously. Fuck that; I do. But there has always been the possibility, there remains the possibility, that this is a time when our country faces up to its worst reflection, sees it truly, and breaks the fucking mirror. A time when the last bastion of white power and male supremacy and oligarchy attempts to enact fascism, but the antibodies of the American system and American multi-culturalism kick in to reject it.

Where do you want to stand in that equation? As someone who rolled over because we’ve have had two awful years of shit that much of the world has already experienced many, many, many times over, so you decided that we’re finished and done for? Come on. Look at Europe, look at Africa, look at Asia. Back and forth with this shit, and much worse.

I have your back. Get up. Here’s my hand. Let’s fight.

It can’t become hip to give up. It can’t become hip to say we are fucked. Look at history. People have been so much more fucked than us, and won. If you truly believe we are finished, I’m sorry, but you were the first to fall. Stick a fork in you, turn you over, you’re done. I don’t want to see you do that, if only for the selfish reason that we need you.

Do all the protests, do all the direct action, make all the phone calls, then mobilize in October and November. That’s when we can get off the ropes and start punching again. Take the long view, my sisters and brothers. Don’t let them take you out of the fight.

And if you need me for anything, I am here.

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I have sometimes thought that at their core, protest folk, and punk share some commonality. I like to think that in his own folky way, Woody Guthrie had some punk in him.
Just stop it! There is absolutely no gain to be had from trying to shame people for what they did or didn't do in 2016. Democrats have a terrible history of looking at the past and spending more time in blaming, shaming, and finger-pointing while the Republicans are busy robbing the store. If you think that finger-wagging will do anything but further drive people away, you are nuts. We need to focus on THIS NOVEMBER! STOP FOCUSING ON 2016 or be prepared for many more years of government that is 100% controlled and owned by the the Ayn Rand crowd to the detriment of the 99%.
In other words, get real and do something. All of us.
Henry Rollins has been saying "This is Joe Strummer time" since before the election. I'm glad people are finally latching onto that.
I particularly like the part where he says it cannot become hip to say "We're fucked" and give up. I am sure Rollins has that covered to, but I liked seeing this guy say it also.
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