OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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trey gowdy telling rothstien to wrap up the russia investigation just broke the irony meter clean off.

how long did he drag Benghazi on for with no results?
that kind of reminds me of that scene in "shooter" where the A.G. tells Danny Glover (his character)

".....I have already received no less than a dozen calls from highly-ranked and powerfully-placed individuals telling me to let you go. But the joy of checks and balances in our government is that I can, and am, indeed, required by law, to tell them to fuck off."

that is exactly what Rosenstein should basically be telling Gowdy.

Interesting little summary. I would be interested to see the footnotes and citations. Not saying who is right and wrong and what the answer is. Just interested in the history.
So this,

Milo Yiannopoulos calls for vigilantes to kill journalists.

Then this (mass shooting in a newspaper building, at least 4 dead): (yes, it is occupy democrats supplying the feed, but the feed is active, live, and appears to be accurate)

Second source with many more around. It happened. Granted, the authorities have not put the two events together yet. But still. This is what happened.
Just stop it! There is absolutely no gain to be had from trying to shame people for what they did or didn't do in 2016. Democrats have a terrible history of looking at the past and spending more time in blaming, shaming, and finger-pointing while the Republicans are busy robbing the store. If you think that finger-wagging will do anything but further drive people away, you are nuts. We need to focus on THIS NOVEMBER! STOP FOCUSING ON 2016 or be prepared for many more years of government that is 100% controlled and owned by the the Ayn Rand crowd to the detriment of the 99%.
There is some truth to this.

However, there are still a lot of Bernie Bros out there RIGHT NOW who are saying "Don't shame me for my choice. The mainstream Dems are EVIL", while at the same time saying that they were too good to vote against Trump just because he was more evil than Hillary. Some of them even seem to imply that he might be LESS evil than she would have been, lol. A lot of those guys got self-righteous, copped a resentment against Hillary and the mainstream Dems, and helped get Shitler the presidency because they couldn't overcome their feelings. Hell, BERNIE HIMSELF told them to vote Hillary after he lost the primary. How could they trust him to be president if they couldn't trust his judgement on that matter?

And, for the record, I was a full-on Bernie supporter/voter. Then, after the primary, I did what the man said and voted for Hillary.
that kind of reminds me of that scene in "shooter" where the A.G. tells Danny Glover (his character)

".....I have already received no less than a dozen calls from highly-ranked and powerfully-placed individuals telling me to let you go. But the joy of checks and balances in our government is that I can, and am, indeed, required by law, to tell them to fuck off."

that is exactly what Rosenstein should basically be telling Gowdy.
I really do enjoy the fact that, unlike Trump and Gowdy and Nunes and all the other bat-shit crazy Republicans, people like Rosenstein and Mueller mostly keep their mouths shut and play their cards close to their chest. Gives me hope.

Larson always did have a good sense of the absurd.
I really do enjoy the fact that, unlike Trump and Gowdy and Nunes and all the other bat-shit crazy Republicans, people like Rosenstein and Mueller mostly keep their mouths shut and play their cards close to their chest. Gives me hope.
well, see the real difference there is that Mueller and Rosentein, while being republicans (sort of) they are first professionals.
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