OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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There is some truth to this.

However, there are still a lot of Bernie Bros out there RIGHT NOW who are saying "Don't shame me for my choice. The mainstream Dems are EVIL", while at the same time saying that they were too good to vote against Trump just because he was more evil than Hillary. Some of them even seem to imply that he might be LESS evil than she would have been, lol. A lot of those guys got self-righteous, copped a resentment against Hillary and the mainstream Dems, and helped get Shitler the presidency because they couldn't overcome their feelings. Hell, BERNIE HIMSELF told them to vote Hillary after he lost the primary. How could they trust him to be president if they couldn't trust his judgement on that matter?

And, for the record, I was a full-on Bernie supporter/voter. Then, after the primary, I did what the man said and voted for Hillary.

I don't think this will go too well for the officer(s)

She looks like a smart, young, energetic lawyer that will not let that go.
I'm sure she will do all she can to get accountability.
you say this will not go well for the officers.
sure it will. who is going to rule against them? Gorsuch? Thomas?
the only thing missing are the arm bands and the knee high boots.
I hate to agree, but this asshat won't receive more than a disingenuous slap on the wrist, administered by a mid-level bureaucrat with a wink and a nod.
I'm sure she will do all she can to get accountability. I hate to agree, but this asshat won't receive more than a disingenuous slap on the wrist, administered by a mid-level bureaucrat with a wink and a nod.
Civil courts might be different. Kinda like the OJ thing.

EDIT: @OGG Of course, OJ was not an officer, and there are some immunity hurdles to overcome. But the ACLU or similar might take an interest in helping her on this one. Never know. I might be wrong, but my guess is she will feel just about duty bound to pursue it.
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So, I guess it is ok if you incite violence that results in the deaths of others, if you were "just trolling."
yeah i mean it's just fun and games you know, I mean we're only talking about life...who's problem is it if yer un uptight loser who can't take a joke. Liberla namsey pansy's need to lighten up : facepalm :
yeah i mean it's just fun and games you know, I mean we're only talking about life...who's problem is it if yer un uptight loser who can't take a joke. Liberla namsey pansy's need to lighten up : facepalm :
Yet when someone throws something similar in their direction (which I don't condone in any way btw), they're very eager to jump on the victim wagon. But well, aligning yourself with people in who's view your sexual preference is a disgrace and a sin already shows the level of logical thinking...
i actually wonder if that was intentional or not. if the media wasn't there, would they have hauled him away? did they know about the interview, and if so, how?
Always insist on a lawyer for any interview (traffic stops don't count unless/until you are taken into custody. You may be asked questions during field sobriety tests and initial dui investigation with no right to a lawyer). Don't let any officials into your home without a warrant. Video proceedings if you feel threatened.

In the past, I may have felt that a more collegial approach to initial contact with the authorities could be better, and maybe still at initial contact. But my trigger finger for insisting on my rights has gotten itchier.
Always insist on a lawyer for any interview (traffic stops don't count unless/until you are taken into custody. You may be asked questions during field sobriety tests and initial dui investigation with no right to a lawyer). Don't let any officials into your home without a warrant. Video proceedings if you feel threatened.

In the past, I may have felt that a more collegial approach to initial contact with the authorities could be better, and maybe still at initial contact. But my trigger finger for insisting on my rights has gotten itchier.

i actually wonder if that was intentional or not. if the media wasn't there, would they have hauled him away? did they know about the interview, and if so, how?

He was being interviewed by the press. Government agents showed up during the interview to intimidate him. 100% intentional, 100% fucked.
He was being interviewed by the press. Government agents showed up during the interview to intimidate him. 100% intentional, 100% fucked.
Agreed. That is why I said insist on a lawyer, don't let them in. Video if necessary. Get help from whomever you can. I would be calling the ACLU, etc. right now. If they can't help, might have a referral. Time to stand up now. Turn it around.
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