OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Can you imagine how hard they laughed when they said, fuck it were going to screw em over yet again and tell them trickle down works even though history proves it doesn't!! They are so dumb, they believe anything!! Just give us all the tax breaks and it will be good for you peasants lolololololol!!
Can you imagine how hard they laughed when they said, fuck it were going to screw em over yet again and tell them trickle down works even though history proves it doesn't!! They are so dumb, they believe anything!! Just give us all the tax breaks and it will be good for you peasants lolololololol!!
i know it would be completely against the Const. and bill of rights and everything, but it seems like there should be a tin foil hat test to be able to vote. i mean, you read the comments section to these news stories and holy fucking sheep shit, batman, these people are fucking S.T.U.P.I.D.
I don't know if Connery really said this, but it made me laugh.
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Report: Death Threat Forces Rep. Maxine Waters To Cancel Events In Texas And Alabama
Rep. Maxine Waters had been scheduled to speak Friday at the annual legislative conference of the National Organization of Black Elected Legislative Women in Birmingham, Ala.

.... NPR's Susan Davis reported earlier this week on Waters urging confrontation:

" 'If you think we're rallying now you ain't seen nothing yet,' Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif, told supporters at a rally in Los Angeles over the weekend. 'If you see anybody from that [Trump] Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere.' A video of her remarks was posted on Twitter Sunday."​

Her remarks drew a response from President Trump, who called her "an extraordinarily low IQ person" in a tweet on Monday and warned, "Be careful what you wish for Max!"

CNN [URL='']reported Thursday [/URL]that Waters said in a statement that after Trump took aim at her on Twitter: "Even more individuals are leaving threatening messages and sending hostile mail to my office."
The looming Trump-Putin meeting is going to be interesting. I bet money that Trump bends over and takes it in the ass. Crimea, G7/G8, and sanctions are all going to fall as Trump knows who his owner is. I can't wait to see the Fox News spin on how or why we should roll over and take it from the Russians.
The looming Trump-Putin meeting is going to be interesting. I bet money that Trump bends over and takes it in the ass. Crimea, G7/G8, and sanctions are all going to fall as Trump knows who his owner is. I can't wait to see the Fox News spin on how or why we should roll over and take it from the Russians.

Gonna be nice having two of the world's biggest knobheads in town :grin: I'm glad I'm going on a holiday 2 days before the circus starts. The city is probably going to be hell, depending on the location they pick.
The looming Trump-Putin meeting is going to be interesting. I bet money that Trump bends over and takes it in the ass. Crimea, G7/G8, and sanctions are all going to fall as Trump knows who his owner is. I can't wait to see the Fox News spin on how or why we should roll over and take it from the Russians.

Yep. So predictable...
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