OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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that might be funny, if it weren't pretty much true.
But how do you deal with this?

"In my lifetime, I have never seen nor heard of a President scrutinized over every word he speaks, humiliated by the public to the point of disgrace, slandered, ridiculed, insulted, lied to & beyond common logic, threatened with death, threatened to rape our Beautiful First Lady, Our First Lady Disrespected, & have his children also insulted & humiliated."
Must've been in a coma for the entire Obama presidency.
Also, incorrect usage of nor.
Just realised that most Trump supporters are probably looking to find out what Can-o-pies are down at the Piggly Wiggly.
ya know, i just have the most difficult time understanding how his 'supporters' can even believe such fantastic bullshit.

"stop criticizing our great president and all the great things he's doing for our great great country, you're all terrible terrible liberal commies and ......blah blah blah..."

it's almost as if there's maybe a hundred or so paid uber-trolls writing all this crap to make it look like there are millions of them. like trump bots or something.
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ya know, i just have the most difficult time understanding how his 'supporters' can even believe such fantastic bullshit.

"stop criticizing our great president and all the great things he's going for our great great country, you're all terrible terrible liberal commies and ......blah blah blah..."

it's almost as if there's maybe a hundred or so paid uber-trolls writing all this crap to make it look like there are millions of them. like trump bots or something.
No, I know an actual person who could have written that screed more or less word for word. This person actually has done a LOT for the 12 step community in our town, started a very successful treatment program, wrote or co-wrote a book, etc,., etc. However, he seems to be completely delusional on this topic, and also displays VERY sensitive snowflake tendencies when confronted with any reality of Trump's dishonesty or idiocy. He also thinks that Melania is the greatest, most admirable and lovable First Lady that we have ever had.

I honestly don't get it, except to suspect that certain personality types, in combination with a particular upbringing and beliefs installed by parents, have become open to being completely co-opted into confusing devotion towards Christianity with devotion towards Trump and Conservatism.
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