OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Trump attacks 'filthy' Red Hen, the Virginia restaurant that asked Sarah Sanders to leave

"President Donald Trump on Monday slammed the central Virginia restaurant that booted his press secretary over the weekend as an establishment with "filthy canopies, doors and windows" and suggested it was also "dirty on the inside."

"The Red Hen Restaurant should focus more on cleaning its filthy canopies, doors and windows (badly needs a paint job) rather than refusing to serve a fine person like Sarah Huckabee Sanders," Trump tweeted Monday morning."

"On Feb. 6, inspectors visiting Red Hen observed "good food/unit temperatures," staff with “clean uniforms/aprons,” and an "excellent job on code-dating." No follow-up was required, according to the report."

"The restaurant passed inspection in 2017, as well, although inspectors found one minor violation — "pickles/jams in a hermetically sealed container" that was "not from an approved food processing plant" — that was corrected during the inspection."

The restaurant was not inspected in 2016 and passed in 2015 without any violations.

In 2014, two violations were observed by inspectors but were corrected by the restaurant.

Trump-owned and Trump-branded properties, however, have faced substantial problems discovered inspectors in recent years.

Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort was cited in January 2017 by Florida health inspectors with more than a dozen violations including issues regarding raw fish dishes that had "not undergone proper parasite destruction" and raw meats sitting in coolers that were not cold enough. Three of the violations were labeled high priority, meaning they could contribute to foodborne illness. The club, however, met the minimum standards to remain in operation.

And in 2012, DJT, the steakhouse at the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas, was forced to shut down briefly when inspectors found more than 50 violations, including ones regarding expired and mishandled food.

filthy words from a filthy liar who owns multiple filthy food establishments.

Trump learned a new word. Let's watch and see if the word 'canopies' shows up in any future speeches.
PS, I was also raised to believe it is the moral/spiritual thing to do to be civil and engage with others civilly when safe and when it is appropriate to do so. It is also in keeping with what I was taught, that in the long run, love is the answer and the only thing that will ultimately defeat hate. Not that fighting evil, standing up for one another, for what is right, and the weaker or more vulnerable among us, and voting is not also in order. I don't think that that is a hippy thing to say really, or only the province of hippies. I guess I still hope to choose the teachings of King and Gandhi over X, at least for the most part.

as much as I would wishfully like assassination to be a reasonable answer, I agree with you wholeheartedly. Love is the answer, always has been. Non-violent resistance has a history from the Sermon on the Mount, to Tolstoy's writings, to Gandhi, and then to MLK (and each of those was influenced by the former). Gandhi's and King's tactics wouldn't have worked in the ancient world which shows that humans have evolved ethically. It's easy to look at all of this racism and tension now and think that we've taken a step backwards, but the reality is the opposition to those ideas are finally being tested. We must prevail by example.
PS, I was also raised to believe it is the moral/spiritual thing to do to be civil and engage with others civilly when safe and when it is appropriate to do so. It is also in keeping with what I was taught, that in the long run, love is the answer and the only thing that will ultimately defeat hate. Not that fighting evil, standing up for one another, for what is right, and the weaker or more vulnerable among us, and voting is not also in order. I don't think that that is a hippy thing to say really, or only the province of hippies. I guess I still hope to choose the teachings of King and Gandhi over X, at least for the most part.

But how do you deal with this?

"I offer no apology for what I am posting, for this is truly how I feel. This is my opinion, not a debate. If you disagree, or find my position offensive, I'm perfectly fine with that & no, I'm not offended, feel free to unfriend me forthwith.
I have lived through several United States Presidents prior to our current President Trump. In my lifetime, I have never seen nor heard of a President scrutinized over every word he speaks, humiliated by the public to the point of disgrace, slandered, ridiculed, insulted, lied to & beyond common logic, threatened with death, threatened to rape our Beautiful First Lady, Our First Lady Disrespected, & have his children also insulted & humiliated.
I am truly ashamed of the people of MY country. I am ashamed of the ruthless, hating, cruel, Trump haters who display themselves as to having no pride, morals, ethics nor values in Our Country's traditions. Our Elders taught us 30, 40+ yrs ago to respect our President, whether we voted for them or not, & all these news stations & reporters who feel they have the right to carry on with blatent lies & say the things they do for a good story. Every other President before he was elected, that took the oath of office, was left alone, wasn't on the news 24/7, scrutinized by their every word. ALWAYS BEING PRESSURED to do this or that & never given the time to take care of the important work this country really needs. I know he is not perfect, very different than what we've become accustomed to but ENOUGH is ENOUGH, LEAVE THE MAN ALONE & LET HIM DO HIS JOB!!
None of the other Presidents in their times were spotless or perfect either. I want our President Donald Trump to succeed & try to make our America great again!
If you agree, please copy & paste this to your timeline! #TEAMUSA"

How do you get it through someone like this's head that it's not a Dem vs Rep thing? That you wouldn't be so unpolite if he wasn't a racist piece of shit? ..if he didn't commit treason? ...if every fucking word out of his mouth wasn't a lie?
But how do you deal with this?

"I offer no apology for what I am posting, for this is truly how I feel. This is my opinion, not a debate. If you disagree, or find my position offensive, I'm perfectly fine with that & no, I'm not offended, feel free to unfriend me forthwith.
I have lived through several United States Presidents prior to our current President Trump. In my lifetime, I have never seen nor heard of a President scrutinized over every word he speaks, humiliated by the public to the point of disgrace, slandered, ridiculed, insulted, lied to & beyond common logic, threatened with death, threatened to rape our Beautiful First Lady, Our First Lady Disrespected, & have his children also insulted & humiliated.
I am truly ashamed of the people of MY country. I am ashamed of the ruthless, hating, cruel, Trump haters who display themselves as to having no pride, morals, ethics nor values in Our Country's traditions. Our Elders taught us 30, 40+ yrs ago to respect our President, whether we voted for them or not, & all these news stations & reporters who feel they have the right to carry on with blatent lies & say the things they do for a good story. Every other President before he was elected, that took the oath of office, was left alone, wasn't on the news 24/7, scrutinized by their every word. ALWAYS BEING PRESSURED to do this or that & never given the time to take care of the important work this country really needs. I know he is not perfect, very different than what we've become accustomed to but ENOUGH is ENOUGH, LEAVE THE MAN ALONE & LET HIM DO HIS JOB!!
None of the other Presidents in their times were spotless or perfect either. I want our President Donald Trump to succeed & try to make our America great again!
If you agree, please copy & paste this to your timeline! #TEAMUSA"

How do you get it through someone like this's head that it's not a Dem vs Rep thing? That you wouldn't be so unpolite if he wasn't a racist piece of shit? ..if he didn't commit treason? ...if every fucking word out of his mouth wasn't a lie?
By posting this meme:

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