OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Deep state bad apples that hate our freedoms and the republican promise of liberty through economic success.

"The Federal Reserve is the most corrupt institution. So corrupt and really, really crooked. Fundamentally flawed and crooked. So sad. I thought Hillary was crooked when I beat her in the electoral vote. They never thought we could get 270, and they can't accept their failure. They love illegals as it is how they win. They are killing the economy. The are un-American as they want this great, and listen to me, I mean GREAT, country to fail. And all of you, and me, and everyone to really, really fail hard so they can control things crookedly with bad actions. CRIMINAL. A core cabal of 14 people in the mail room donated to Hillary's campaign, and they lost, and they really want revenge. There were emails, extensive contacts within this group, contact discussing the election and wanting her to win. So corrupt. Killing the economy is how these sickos get even."

He should start planning it now and work on the messaging, as the stock market is smoldering along at 6% growth or so for the year and the fed has raised interest rates twice. Last year was an amazing stock market year, but I think that was more recovery than anything Trump did. The first YTD under his leadership looks mediocre at best.

That's already been done for him: Dolchstosslegende
The stab-in-the-back myth (German: Dolchstoßlegende, pronounced [ˈdɔlçʃtoːsleˌɡɛndə] ( listen))[a] was the notion, widely believed and promulgated in right-wing circles in Germany after 1918, that the German Army did not lose World War I on the battlefield but was instead betrayed by the civilians on the home front, especially the republicans who overthrew the monarchy in the German Revolution of 1918–19. Advocates denounced the German government leaders who signed the Armistice on November 11, 1918, as the "November Criminals" (German: Novemberverbrecher).

When the Nazis came to power in 1933, they made the legend an integral part of their official history of the 1920s, portraying the Weimar Republic as the work of the "November criminals" who stabbed the nation in the back to seize power while betraying it. The Nazi propaganda depicted Weimar as "a morass of corruption, degeneracy, national humiliation, ruthless persecution of the honest 'national opposition'—fourteen years of rule by Jews, Marxists, and 'cultural Bolsheviks', who had at last been swept away by the National Socialist movement under Adolf Hitler and the victory of the 'national revolution' of 1933".[1]

Scholars inside and outside Germany unanimously reject the notion, pointing out the German army was out of reserves, was being overwhelmed by the entrance of the United States into the war, and by late 1918 had lost the war militarily.[2][3] To many Germans, the expression "stab in the back" was evocative of Richard Wagner's 1876 opera Götterdämmerung, in which Hagen murders his enemy Siegfried – the hero of the opera – with a spear in his back.[4]
Oh, how he longs to be a dictator...
Trump Demands That All Democrats Stop Resisting Him

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Democrats, fix the laws. Don’t RESIST. We are doing a far better
job than Bush and Obama, but we need strength and security at
the Border! Cannot accept all of the people trying to break
into our Country. Strong Borders, No Crime!

8:12 AM - Jun 24, 2018

Orangecutus of Borg has spoken
Deep state bad apples that hate our freedoms and the republican promise of liberty through economic success.

"The Federal Reserve is the most corrupt institution. So corrupt and really, really crooked. Fundamentally flawed and crooked. So sad. I thought Hillary was crooked when I beat her in the electoral vote. They never thought we could get 270, and they can't accept their failure. They love illegals as it is how they win. They are killing the economy. The are un-American as they want this great, and listen to me, I mean GREAT, country to fail. And all of you, and me, and everyone to really, really fail hard so they can control things crookedly with bad actions. CRIMINAL. A core cabal of 14 people in the mail room donated to Hillary's campaign, and they lost, and they really want revenge. There were emails, extensive contacts within this group, contact discussing the election and wanting her to win. So corrupt. Killing the economy is how these sickos get even."

He should start planning it now and work on the messaging, as the stock market is smoldering along at 6% growth or so for the year and the fed has raised interest rates twice. Last year was an amazing stock market year, but I think that was more recovery than anything Trump did. The first YTD under his leadership looks mediocre at best.
Yes, they are already working up to this. Lots of conservative talking heads and idiots on Facebook saying LIBERALS HATE TRUMP SO BAD THAT THEY WANT THE ECONOMY TO CRASH AND AMERICA TO FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, they are already working up to this. Lots of conservative talking heads and idiots on Facebook saying LIBERALS HATE TRUMP SO BAD THAT THEY WANT THE ECONOMY TO CRASH AND AMERICA TO FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All that's needed to complete the circle is for someone to set fire to the house of congress.
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Yes, they are already working up to this. Lots of conservative talking heads and idiots on Facebook saying LIBERALS HATE TRUMP SO BAD THAT THEY WANT THE ECONOMY TO CRASH AND AMERICA TO FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


All he has to do is have soulless ghoul Stephen Miller take the Nazi playbook, and run a search and replace. Find "Jews," "Communists," and "Socialists" and replace with "Deep State," "Democrats" and "illegal immigrants."

Somewhat chillingly prescient:

Today most historians agree that these stab-in-the-back legends destabilised the Weimar democracy to a very high degree and contributed to the rise of National Socialism. The worst case of political communication was not the aggressive controversy, but the breakdown of debate, and after 1924 the two political camps were not able to communicate anymore. The right-wingers were convinced that the country really had been stabbed in the back and the democrats were left to discover that any attempt to clarify the events was hopeless.
Oh, how he longs to be a dictator...
Trump Demands That All Democrats Stop Resisting Him

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Democrats, fix the laws. Don’t RESIST. We are doing a far better
job than Bush and Obama, but we need strength and security at
the Border! Cannot accept all of the people trying to break
into our Country. Strong Borders, No Crime!

8:12 AM - Jun 24, 2018
so wait let me get this straight...according to the orange monster IF we eliminate ALL border crossing we will live in utopialand and there will be absolutely no crime (except white collar which doesn't count) that what the moron is saying ? Americans don't commit crime only border crossers do ?
Oh, how he longs to be a dictator...
Trump Demands That All Democrats Stop Resisting Him

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Democrats, fix the laws. Don’t RESIST. We are doing a far better
job than Bush and Obama, but we need strength and security at
the Border! Cannot accept all of the people trying to break
into our Country. Strong Borders, No Crime!

8:12 AM - Jun 24, 2018

in the infamous words of Captain Haden..."You can go fuck yourself, convict!!"
SEN. MARK WARNER (D-Va.) hosted a dinner Friday night for more than 100 guests at his house on Martha’s Vineyard as part of the DSCC’S annual Majority Trust retreat. OVERHEARD: Warner, the vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, joking to the crowd: “If you get me one more glass of wine, I’ll tell you stuff only Bob Mueller and I know. If you think you’ve seen wild stuff so far, buckle up. It’s going to be a wild couple of months.”
and here is the result of the racist in chief's enabling.

'Rapists, animals, drug dealers': woman abuses US Latino man in echo of Trump

"A Latino man who was filmed being racially abused by a white California woman has said similar incidents have become “increasingly regular” since Donald Trump took office."
"Video of Esteban Guzman being verbally attacked by the unidentified woman has been watched more than a million times since it was shared early on Monday morning."
"The footage shows the woman pointing her finger in Guzman’s face."
"“Why do you hate us?” Guzman asks."

“Because you’re Mexicans,” the woman replies."

"Guzman tells her “we’re honest people”.

“Yeah, rapists. And animals,” the woman says. “Drug dealers."

"Guzman said he had suffered racial abuse “all my life”, but said it had become more frequent since Donald Trump’s emergence on the political scene and use of racist rhetoric."

“Ever since last year it’s becoming increasingly more regular,” Guzman said.

“I think his speech gave everybody permission to call us those names and to think bad of us,” Guzman said. “I know a lot of people that have had it said to them”
SEN. MARK WARNER (D-Va.) hosted a dinner Friday night for more than 100 guests at his house on Martha’s Vineyard as part of the DSCC’S annual Majority Trust retreat. OVERHEARD: Warner, the vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, joking to the crowd: “If you get me one more glass of wine, I’ll tell you stuff only Bob Mueller and I know. If you think you’ve seen wild stuff so far, buckle up. It’s going to be a wild couple of months.”

well, Mark (Warner).....let's get the fuck on with it then!!!!!
SEN. MARK WARNER (D-Va.) hosted a dinner Friday night for more than 100 guests at his house on Martha’s Vineyard as part of the DSCC’S annual Majority Trust retreat. OVERHEARD: Warner, the vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, joking to the crowd: “If you get me one more glass of wine, I’ll tell you stuff only Bob Mueller and I know. If you think you’ve seen wild stuff so far, buckle up. It’s going to be a wild couple of months.”
Watch the loose lips there, Senator. Talk is cheap. Would love to see things move forward.
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