OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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i wasn't paying any attention to cheeto then. besides, i'm not saying that i am just now realizing he's a racist. i'm saying he is using the current situation to basically tell the deplorables , using headlines, it's ok to keep it up.

Welcome to 2015.
great interview of one whom i've very much liked for decades. fast forward to 13:10 guy knows what he's talking about.

John Kay for president!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah agreed. But we over here have tended to toot our horn about the land of the free and home of the brave and all that crap. Now that the veil has really come off, it feels a little more hypocritical coming from the "world's police officer" or whatever crap we used to justify invading/bombing other countries and such like that.
prediction time.... when trump crashes the economy, after taking credit for it for his entire term, how is he going to blame obama?

Deep state bad apples that hate our freedoms and the republican promise of liberty through economic success.

"The Federal Reserve is the most corrupt institution. So corrupt and really, really crooked. Fundamentally flawed and crooked. So sad. I thought Hillary was crooked when I beat her in the electoral vote. They never thought we could get 270, and they can't accept their failure. They love illegals as it is how they win. They are killing the economy. The are un-American as they want this great, and listen to me, I mean GREAT, country to fail. And all of you, and me, and everyone to really, really fail hard so they can control things crookedly with bad actions. CRIMINAL. A core cabal of 14 people in the mail room donated to Hillary's campaign, and they lost, and they really want revenge. There were emails, extensive contacts within this group, contact discussing the election and wanting her to win. So corrupt. Killing the economy is how these sickos get even."

He should start planning it now and work on the messaging, as the stock market is smoldering along at 6% growth or so for the year and the fed has raised interest rates twice. Last year was an amazing stock market year, but I think that was more recovery than anything Trump did. The first YTD under his leadership looks mediocre at best.
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Regardless of how it's actually done, I predict that it will be in the most pathetically-transparent and brainless way possible at the time. And his supporters will (at least pretend to) believe every syllable.

And the response is simple. How can illegals take our jobs when Trump just got finished boasting there are more available jobs than there are candidates? There are plenty of jobs to go around. That you may not be qualified for them , or they pay less than you want, is another story.
prediction time.... when trump crashes the economy, after taking credit for it for his entire term, how is he going to blame obama?

Thinly veiled racism, openly brash personal insults, a host of made up facts/bullshit, claims of fake news media bias covering up the dubious acts of the previous administration, democratic obstructionism, unfair trade policies, Obamacare, welfare sponges, and possibly... Canada.
I think they'll just deny the economy is crashing despite all evidence to the contrary.

This. All the people around here who used to work in or around coal are absolutely over the moon that "Obama's war on coal" is over. Of course they still aren't employeed, and the coal industry around here is deader than a door nail, but by God the war is over, and any day now...
This. All the people around here who used to work in or around coal are absolutely over the moon that "Obama's war on coal" is over. Of course they still aren't employeed, and the coal industry around here is deader than a door nail, but by God the war is over, and any day now...

Trump's DOT is going to make some very specific requirements for new transportation technologies:


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