OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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maybe not. lexington is about 7000 people and very blue. that's enough to keep it going.

They had 1514 people vote for Clinton and 766 vote Trump. Hardly anyone voted. The surrounding county of Rock Bridge went 62% for Trump. I’m guessing a large portion of that Clinton vote were students at Washington and Lee (yes Robert E Lee) University. It’s also home to VMI. Obama beat Rommey 1486 to 1146. They flew the confederate flag at government buildings until 2011. W&L flew a large confederate flag until 2014. It is not a very liberal area, just the liberal people there are the ones who turn out to vote.
and we go still further down the road to fascism and dictatorship

Trump Calls for Deportations ‘With No Judges or Court Cases’

"President Trump on Sunday called for deportations to be carried out “with no judges or court cases” in his latest tirade against undocumented immigrants. The president took his rhetoric up a notch despite ongoing backlash over his administration’s zero-tolerance policy at the border, saying undocumented immigrants—many of whom are seeking asylum—must not be allowed to “invade our country.” “When somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no Judges or Court Cases, bring them back from where they came. Our system is a mockery to good immigration policy and Law and Order,” he tweeted."

and that right there is going to be how he does it, one stone at a time. law and and order.....everyone wants law and order. nobody wants chaos and anarchy, so you have to vote for law and order.
I suppose it makes me a mean person that I enjoyed reading this, but is what it is. I guess at this point we have to directly shame these people, possibly in front of their kids, to have any hope of healing the disconnect that allows them to do what they do and still consider themselves decent people and good parents.
it is a little too bad that it happened in front of (what i'm presuming are) kids. who knows, his sons could be in college, i don't know. not gonna waste time looking up anything Ryan.

i don't think that any healing will be happening for at least 5 or more GENERATIONS. the racism, fascism, hate, bigotry, etc. didn't simply just happen because of trump. he made it ok for them to come out and act out what they've, clearly, been thinking and feeling all along, since before the civil war and after it.
as long as there are people like that who raise kids to hate like them, the chasm in this country will go on forever. and that kind of hate has a way of spreading. hitler would never have been able to take over that country and turn it into a murder machine if the haters were only fringe.
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it is a little too bad that it happened in front of (what i'm presuming are) kids. who knows, his sons could be in college, i don't know. not gonna waste time looking up anything Ryan.

i don't think that any healing will be happening for at least 5 or more GENERATIONS. the racism, fascism, hate, bigotry, etc. didn't simply just happen because of trump. he made it ok for them to come out and act out what they've, clearly, been thinking and feeling all along, since before the civil war and after it. as long as there are people like that who raise kids to hate like them, the chasm in this country will go on forever. and that kind of hate has a way of spreading. hitler would never have been able to take over that country and turn it into a murder machine if the haters were only fringe.

I have to agree. It's exactly the fact that people have come to the point where you don't want shake hands with someone that's the problem. This is not the fault of anyone in particular, nor is it constructive to find someone to blame in the past. All this kind of thing is going to create is more mutual despise and more polarisation... I get Rogen's problem, but at the same time, it doesn't work that way, all you're going to create is a situation where the people that agree with you will agree with you and the people that don't will think you're a dick. There's much more elegant solutions like just taking a pic with his kids, asking Ryan to not post it, just talk to each other. The point where you literally don't want to be in a picture with someone or his family is where things start getting really, really scary.
I have to agree. It's exactly the fact that people have come to the point where you don't want shake hands with someone that's the problem. This is not the fault of anyone in particular, nor is it constructive to find someone to blame in the past. All this kind of thing is going to create is more mutual despise and more polarisation... I get Rogen's problem, but at the same time, it doesn't work that way, all you're going to create is a situation where the people that agree with you will agree with you and the people that don't will think you're a dick. There's much more elegant solutions like just taking a pic with his kids, asking Ryan to not post it, just talk to each other. The point where you literally don't want to be in a picture with someone or his family is where things start getting really, really scary.

but, unfortunately, that IS where we are. if my boss told me trump was going to visit our office, i would take the day off. seriously.
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but, unfortunately, that IS where we are. if my boss told me trump was going to visit our office, i would take the day off. seriously.
I know, and I completely understand, I would probably do the same. It's just that going on like this isn't going to help anyone. Just like this is something that's not come out of nowhere and has been brewing for a while, it's not something that's going away easily. I don't have the solution, and I'm glad I'm not in the position where I have to have it, but it is sad that this is how far it got.
I know, and I completely understand, I would probably do the same. It's just that going on like this isn't going to help anyone. Just like this is something that's not come out of nowhere and has been brewing for a while, it's not something that's going away easily.

giving in and accommodating them is not going to fix the problem, it's going to not only continue it, consession will give the impression that it's at least sort of ok. and it's not.

those people are diametrically opposed to the principles that founded this country. they WOULD bring back slavery, if they thought they could get away with it. that is exactly what all hoopla is about removing confederate monuments to those who split this country attempting to keep slavery alive.
and we go still further down the road to fascism and dictatorship

Trump Calls for Deportations ‘With No Judges or Court Cases’

"President Trump on Sunday called for deportations to be carried out “with no judges or court cases” in his latest tirade against undocumented immigrants. The president took his rhetoric up a notch despite ongoing backlash over his administration’s zero-tolerance policy at the border, saying undocumented immigrants—many of whom are seeking asylum—must not be allowed to “invade our country.” “When somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no Judges or Court Cases, bring them back from where they came. Our system is a mockery to good immigration policy and Law and Order,” he tweeted."

and that right there is going to be how he does it, one stone at a time. law and and order.....everyone wants law and order. nobody wants chaos and anarchy, so you have to vote for law and order.

Except he is trying to remove the law and order, and rule of law, in favor of hired gun militarized police forces and angry mob decisions and actions.
Except he is trying to remove the law and order, and rule of law, in favor of hired gun militarized police forces and angry mob decisions and actions.

i get that. but he's going to gather voters by saying it IS law and order. we are so far through the looking glass, i'm not sure we will ever come out.
sorry for the negative vibes, man.....but every day this asshole goes another step towards totalitarianism.
but, unfortunately, that IS where we are. if my boss told me trump was going to visit our office, i would take the day off. seriously.
I have strong hands. I would probably grip that bastard's hand and hold it hard while I said what I wanted to say for a minute, then hold it a moment more just because. I would shake his hand. But on my terms.

I know he has pulled that stunt on others but I am stronger than he is.
giving in and accommodating them is not going to fix the problem, it's going to not only continue it, consession will give the impression that it's at least sort of ok. and it's not.

those people are diametrically opposed to the principles that founded this country. they WOULD bring back slavery, if they thought they could get away with it. that is exactly what all hoopla is about removing confederate monuments to those who split this country attempting to keep slavery alive.

Sorry for the late edit, I agree with you, and if it would be my country, emigrating is an empty threat as I already moved to another country, but I'm pretty sure I said that I'd end change my citizenschip if our right wing nutter came to power. At the same time, helped by the fact that I'm now a sort of outside observer to both my own country and the country I live in, it gives a lot of perspective. I didn't move from my country for political reasons, but living abroad for a while I feel more inclined towards moving back if the local variety of right-wing nutters came to power and figure out what the solution would be. I don't have a ready solution, but for me it's fucking unacceptable that you collectively let it get to the point where normal communication becomes impossible. Again, I'm not blaming anyone, and I would probably make the same choice as you do, but that doesn't make the reality any less sad.
I know, and I completely understand, I would probably do the same. It's just that going on like this isn't going to help anyone. Just like this is something that's not come out of nowhere and has been brewing for a while, it's not something that's going away easily. I don't have the solution, and I'm glad I'm not in the position where I have to have it, but it is sad that this is how far it got.
I very much take your message. There is a time and a place for everything, and there may be times, for a variety of reasons, to choose not to engage. But, generally speaking, I think you gotta engage at some point to get anything done, whether it be discussion, locking missiles (which may be a more aggressive form of communication), or actually firing. Running away from one another and yelling from across the field won't help anything.

Yeah ok, maybe really stretching on that metaphor, but I really wanted to work Maverick nearly running away, but eventually re-engaging in somehow.
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it is becoming clear, to me, that trump is using the whole immigration issue as a thinly veiled nod of approval to his deplorable's racism.
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This fargin icehole! This sonamahbatching corksucking bastidge! He is wyolating our fargin rights! This fargin guy is a gonna end up a sending more innocent peoples to the wrong fargin country without a due a process!
This wasn’t crystal-clear to you years ago when he was calling for the deaths of the Central Park Five or questioning Obama’s birth records?
i wasn't paying any attention to cheeto then. besides, i'm not saying that i am just now realizing he's a racist. i'm saying he is using the current situation to basically tell the deplorables , using headlines, it's ok to keep it up.
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