OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Indeed. “Let’s be fiscally responsible by pointlessly adding trillions to the military and border walls and by giving tax breaks to conglomerates. Stripping funding for climate change, science, medicine, and the arts will surely cover the difference, as well as put money back in the wallets of the middle class.”
that is awesome...

Quoting from a variety of works, such as Robert Bolt’s play A Man for All Seasons and The Federalist Papers, Will also found caustic words of his own for Republican leaders, notably Ryan. The House Speaker, Will wrote, “sold his soul… for a tax cut” and had become one of “the president’s poodles.”
No, I know an actual person who could have written that screed more or less word for word. This person actually has done a LOT for the 12 step community in our town, started a very successful treatment program, wrote or co-wrote a book, etc,., etc. However, he seems to be completely delusional on this topic, and also displays VERY sensitive snowflake tendencies when confronted with any reality of Trump's dishonesty or idiocy. He also thinks that Melania is the greatest, most admirable and lovable First Lady that we have ever had.

I honestly don't get it, except to suspect that certain personality types, in combination with a particular upbringing and beliefs installed by parents, have become open to being completely co-opted into confusing devotion towards Christianity with devotion towards Trump and Conservatism.

A friend and now-retired longtime coworker sent me this just this morning. This was a post from a Facebook friend of her grandson's mother-in-law and it seriously shook her:

When Obama and Hillary corrupted and took over the CIA FBI DOJ AND IRS the next thing they did was to go after the military replacing generals. That's where they messed up. They military was going to perform a coup but change their mind and recruited Trump. If you notice the first thing he did was surround himself with military people. They have his back 100%. The left is running scared, but they have globalist bankers behind them. " The love of money is the root of all evil" These are the people controlling the left and most of the GOP and its coming to an end. If you do not understand the history of the world bank you will not understand any of this. A good tool to use is a documentary that explains much of how the world got to this point "The Money Masters" is a look at the 450 year history of the banking institution and if you can wrap your mind around this history you will look at thing much differently again The love of money is the root of all evil. Oh and don't just accept anything in the video. Research and see they are telling the truth. You may not be able to handle it.

There is a frankly alarming level of delusional psychosis on display here, if the person legitimately believes even half of this sweaty-eyed nonsense. I told her the person should likely be medicated for his own safety and that she should avoid arguing with the clinically insane.
A friend and now-retired longtime coworker sent me this just this morning. This was a post from a Facebook friend of her grandson's mother-in-law and it seriously shook her:

When Obama and Hillary corrupted and took over the CIA FBI DOJ AND IRS the next thing they did was to go after the military replacing generals. That's where they messed up. They military was going to perform a coup but change their mind and recruited Trump. If you notice the first thing he did was surround himself with military people. They have his back 100%. The left is running scared, but they have globalist bankers behind them. " The love of money is the root of all evil" These are the people controlling the left and most of the GOP and its coming to an end. If you do not understand the history of the world bank you will not understand any of this. A good tool to use is a documentary that explains much of how the world got to this point "The Money Masters" is a look at the 450 year history of the banking institution and if you can wrap your mind around this history you will look at thing much differently again The love of money is the root of all evil. Oh and don't just accept anything in the video. Research and see they are telling the truth. You may not be able to handle it.

There is a frankly alarming level of delusional psychosis on display here, if the person legitimately believes even half of this sweaty-eyed nonsense. I told her the person should likely be medicated for his own safety and that she should avoid arguing with the clinically insane.
A friend and now-retired longtime coworker sent me this just this morning. This was a post from a Facebook friend of her grandson's mother-in-law and it seriously shook her:

When Obama and Hillary corrupted and took over the CIA FBI DOJ AND IRS the next thing they did was to go after the military replacing generals. That's where they messed up. They military was going to perform a coup but change their mind and recruited Trump. If you notice the first thing he did was surround himself with military people. They have his back 100%. The left is running scared, but they have globalist bankers behind them. " The love of money is the root of all evil" These are the people controlling the left and most of the GOP and its coming to an end. If you do not understand the history of the world bank you will not understand any of this. A good tool to use is a documentary that explains much of how the world got to this point "The Money Masters" is a look at the 450 year history of the banking institution and if you can wrap your mind around this history you will look at thing much differently again The love of money is the root of all evil. Oh and don't just accept anything in the video. Research and see they are telling the truth. You may not be able to handle it.

There is a frankly alarming level of delusional psychosis on display here, if the person legitimately believes even half of this sweaty-eyed nonsense. I told her the person should likely be medicated for his own safety and that she should avoid arguing with the clinically insane.

The sad thing is nobody loves money more than Trump. The guy is like the Daffy Duck who says consequences smonsequences as long as I’m rich.
A friend and now-retired longtime coworker sent me this just this morning. This was a post from a Facebook friend of her grandson's mother-in-law and it seriously shook her:

When Obama and Hillary corrupted and took over the CIA FBI DOJ AND IRS the next thing they did was to go after the military replacing generals. That's where they messed up. They military was going to perform a coup but change their mind and recruited Trump. If you notice the first thing he did was surround himself with military people. They have his back 100%. The left is running scared, but they have globalist bankers behind them. " The love of money is the root of all evil" These are the people controlling the left and most of the GOP and its coming to an end. If you do not understand the history of the world bank you will not understand any of this. A good tool to use is a documentary that explains much of how the world got to this point "The Money Masters" is a look at the 450 year history of the banking institution and if you can wrap your mind around this history you will look at thing much differently again The love of money is the root of all evil. Oh and don't just accept anything in the video. Research and see they are telling the truth. You may not be able to handle it.

There is a frankly alarming level of delusional psychosis on display here, if the person legitimately believes even half of this sweaty-eyed nonsense. I told her the person should likely be medicated for his own safety and that she should avoid arguing with the clinically insane.
Well, if you can "wrap your mind around" flat-earth theory you will also look at things very differently from that point on. The problem is that you have to be a complete fucking idiot who denies reality, and ignore a lot of science and just plain evidence right in front of your eyes, to successfully "wrap your mind" around crap like that.

These kind of people seem to be total idiots, and in pathological need of some excitement in their lives, in equal parts, which leads them into becoming completely deranged about stuff like this.

Crowley isn't my district, but I've met him. Nice guy, but this was a complacent campaign and he lost assuming he would win (sound familiar?). Ocasio-Cortez is DSA, so this is huge for them.

Carolyn Maloney represents my district, and she had a primary challenger as well, who received 40% of the vote by actually meeting people in Queens instead of limiting himself to the Upper East Side.

It's no blue wave, but it's definitely a sign the left is getting bluer.
Go unions! I wish our unions had a little more clout and power these days.

Just went and saw our local production of Woody Guthrie's American Song, written by Peter Glazer. We are blessed in our little community with a very good local theater troop. The show was damn good. If anyone has a chance to see it, do. Now I am wanting to figure out some of my own covers of Woody Guthrie songs. I am just saddened that it seems his words and music are so applicable yet again. Though I guess they never did stop applying, though the middle and working classes did better for a while. Plenty of union talk in the show.

"I hate a song that makes you think you are not any good. I hate a song that makes you think that you are just born to lose. Bound to lose. No good to nobody. No good for nothing. Because you are too old or too young or too fat or too slim. Too ugly or too this or too that. Songs that run you down or poke fun at you on account of your bad luck or hard traveling. I'm out to fight those songs to my very last breath of air and my last drop of blood. I am out to sing songs that will prove to you that this is your world and that if it has hit you pretty hard and knocked you for a dozen loops, no matter what color, what size you are, how you are built, I am out to sing the songs that make you take pride in yourself and in your work. And the songs that I sing are made up for the most part by all sorts of folks just about like you.

I could hire out to the other side, the big money side, and get several dollars every week just to quit singing my own songs and to sing the kind that knock you down farther and the ones that poke fun at you even more and the ones that make you think you've not got any sense at all. But I decided a long time ago that I'd starve to death before I'd sing any such songs as that. The radio waves and your movies and your jukeboxes and your songbooks are already loaded down and running over with such no good songs as that anyhow."
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