OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Its not like she didn't have 500 other jackets she could have worn instead.

what in the heck is wrong with these people?
that was the only jacket appropriate for 80 degree weather...I mean if it was 50 degrees, a different jacket and if it was 105 degrees a diffferent jacket again but that was the 80 degree weather jacket
Its not like she didn't have 500 other jackets she could have worn instead.

what in the heck is wrong with these people?
The First Lady of The United States is sent on PR trip to visit isolated and presumably traumatized children in cages. They're there as a direct consequence of her husband's policies.

She chooses to wear a jacket, in June, in Texas. The jacket is emblazoned with a message proclaiming complete and utter apathy.

There are exactly two possible explanations for this:

1. She's an imbecile.

2. It was an entirely deliberate and not at all veiled message to their core base of supporters.

Which seems more likely?
Maybe so but Stephen Miller doesn’t have a nightly propaganda show with millions of viewers that believe every word he says. Nobody knew who Stephen Miller was 18 months ago. Hannity as been at this since Miller was in elementary school. I’d say Hannity has done far more to ruin this country than Miller has.
Miller has a nightly 'show' with the idiot in charge of the country. where do you think the zero policy came from? not sessions.
The First Lady of The United States is sent on PR trip to visit isolated and presumably traumatized children in cages. They're there as a direct consequence of her husband's policies.

She chooses to wear a jacket, in June, in Texas. The jacket is emblazoned with a message proclaiming complete and utter apathy.

There are exactly two possible explanations for this:

1. She's an imbecile.

2. It was an entirely deliberate and not at all veiled message to their core base of supporters.

Which seems more likely?

I think it sums up the administrations policy perfectly...the tRUMP administration..."I really don't care" (unless of course it c0ncerns money for themselves then they care)
Not for nothing, but ....
There's nearly a Nixon '74 level of public support for impeaching Trump
There is a truly remarkable number in the most recent CNN poll, conducted by SSRS and out this morning.

In it, 42% of Americans say President Donald Trump should be impeached and removed from office.

What makes it remarkable is that he's on par with President Richard Nixon, who 43% of Americans said should be impeached and removed from office in a March 1974 Harris poll. That was after the scale of Watergate came to light, but months before the House started to move against Nixon, who would go on to resign in August 1974 rather than be impeached.

Impeachment requires "treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors," according to the Constitution, which also lists it as the the only thing for which a President can't issue a pardon.
Trump has bragged that he certainly has the power to pardon himself but won't need to use it. Nixon got a pardon from Gerald Ford, the man to whom he gave the keys to the White House.

The 43% supporting Nixon's impeachment in that Harris poll, by the way, is much higher than the 29% who supported impeachment for President Bill Clinton in 1998. Or, for that matter, the similar number who wanted Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush impeached. As CNN's Grace Sparks writes, there's basically "a baseline of pro-impeachment sentiment for a modern president" and Trump far eclipses it.

So why aren't top Democrats clamoring to impeach Trump? To be sure, there are efforts on the outskirts of the party and in Congress, but they do not have the backing of party big wigs.
Most Democrats in Congress, for the record, have opposed efforts by Rep. Al Green, a Texas Democrat, to bring the issue to the floor of the House. [snip]

[Impeachment] can't feasibly happen right now. Trump is the head of the Republican Party, in name and in practice. The Republican majorities in the House and Senate, the same ones that have supported his policy initiatives, are going to laugh at an impeachment effort, which requires a supermajority.

Congress can't get a supermajority for a simple bill to stop taking children from undocumented parents at the border. A supermajority on impeaching Trump is not happening. [snip]

Pelosi can easily remember the impeachment effort against Clinton, which royally backfired on Republicans since he survived a trial in the Senate and maintained his approval rating, which was over 70% at the time of his impeachment.

Trump's approval rating is much lower -- 39% -- in that new CNN poll.

An impeachment effort would also play right into the "witch hunt" and "deep state" narratives Trump has been pushing.
so it looks like trump has pimped out the Grand Staircase-Escalante and is ready to profit....

“For those who doubt the intended beneficiaries of the attack on our national monuments, we now have some more evidence of the real reason the administration is trying to sacrifice our public lands,” Culver said.

The grift goes on…….yea, the grift goes on

Fucks keep stealing bucks to feed the game

La dee dah dee dee, la dee dah dee di
There's no immigration crisis, just a hatred crisis.
well, we do have something of an immigration crisis. people are flooding across the southern border and for the most part they have good reason to escape their home country.
the problem is that we need a better method of processing them in. and we should be looking into what can be done, from us, to decrease the problems that are causing the exodus.
we should be working with mexico and central america, not against them. it is their problem, but they need help solving it, and not just foreign aid $$.
well, we do have something of an immigration crisis. people are flooding across the southern border and for the most part they have good reason to escape their home country.
the problem is that we need a better method of processing them in. and we should be looking into what can be done, from us, to decrease the problems that are causing the exodus.
we should be working with mexico and central america, not against them. it is their problem, but they need help solving it, and not just foreign aid $$.
Not going to happen with Shitler and the complicit GOP. They are the very embodiment of bigotry, hypocrisy, and xenophobia.
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Not going to happen with Shitler and the complicit GOP. They are the very embodiment of bigotry, hypocrisy, and xenophobia.
oh no no no. i know those assholes will play the crisis any way they can to either make political points with their deplorables and or make a profit at it. all these "shelters" the kids are being "stored" at are owned by big gop supporters and are kicking back $$ in the form of campaign contributions. there have been several stories about this crap in the last few days.

i'm talking about actually getting a handle on the crisis, which won't really be able to happen until 2020, hopefully.
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