OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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The question that should be posed to them is "why then were the Republicans never opposed to it if it was so terrible and ongoing under Obama?" Lord knows they cut him no slack for anything else.

Because they want the policy in place to keep out brown people. It's the SJW's and bleeding heart liberals that want to save everyone. And yet, they're all about family values. Go figure.
Not related to anything, but I just found out Sarah Huckabee Sanders is only 35 years old. *mind blown*

I'm like ten years older and I think of her like a mean neighbor mom who's gonna take my frisbee away.
I think of her as that piece I saw in the stool this morning *spits*
while not really political, this could probably head in that direction, so I'll post it here.

Fuck that guy. As someone who lived through that nightmare, this guy should never be let out of jail. I frequented 4 places where they shot people, and had I not been stopped on my way out of the office, I may have been in the parking lot getting gas when they shot and killed the person at the gas station in Fredericksburg.
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