OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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I am no fan of Trump's approach to the border issue and the problem regarding children nor his negotiating tactics or grand standing. But I am also no fan of those that have used old pictures from before trump or other inaccuracies in trying to make their points regarding this bad situation that in my opinion is being made worse by the Trump admin. This AP report from the end of May details some of the inaccuracies floating around in media/social media.
I am no fan of Trump's approach to the border issue and the problem regarding children nor his negotiating tactics or grand standing. But I am also no fan of those that have used old pictures from before trump or other inaccuracies in trying to make their points regarding this bad situation that in my opinion is being made worse by the Trump admin. This AP report from the end of May details some of the inaccuracies floating around in media/social media.

That's just propaganda from the leftist liberal media...

Oh wait...

Kiddie Gitmo
we're no better than Cuba or NK. we only pretend to be.

Young immigrants held for years in Virginia detention center claim horrific abuse

"Immigrant children as young as 14 housed at a juvenile detention center in Virginia say they were beaten while handcuffed and locked up for long periods in solitary confinement, left nude and shivering in concrete cells."

"The abuse claims against the Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center near Staunton, Virginia, are detailed in federal court filings that include a half-dozen sworn statements from Latino teens jailed there for months or years. Multiple detainees say the guards stripped them of their clothes and strapped them to chairs with bags placed over their heads."

"Whenever they used to restrain me and put me in the chair, they would handcuff me," said a Honduran immigrant who was sent to the facility when he was 15 years old. "Strapped me down all the way, from your feet all the way to your chest, you couldn't really move. ... They have total control over you. They also put a bag over your head. It has little holes; you can see through it. But you feel suffocated with the bag on."
Kiddie Gitmo
we're no better than Cuba or NK. we only pretend to be.

Young immigrants held for years in Virginia detention center claim horrific abuse

"Immigrant children as young as 14 housed at a juvenile detention center in Virginia say they were beaten while handcuffed and locked up for long periods in solitary confinement, left nude and shivering in concrete cells."

"The abuse claims against the Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center near Staunton, Virginia, are detailed in federal court filings that include a half-dozen sworn statements from Latino teens jailed there for months or years. Multiple detainees say the guards stripped them of their clothes and strapped them to chairs with bags placed over their heads."

"Whenever they used to restrain me and put me in the chair, they would handcuff me," said a Honduran immigrant who was sent to the facility when he was 15 years old. "Strapped me down all the way, from your feet all the way to your chest, you couldn't really move. ... They have total control over you. They also put a bag over your head. It has little holes; you can see through it. But you feel suffocated with the bag on."

"Since 2007, about half the 58 beds are occupied by both male and female immigrants between the ages of 12 and 17 facing deportation proceedings or awaiting rulings on asylum claims."

Obama did it for his entire term in office. :embarrassed:
"Since 2007, about half the 58 beds are occupied by both male and female immigrants between the ages of 12 and 17 facing deportation proceedings or awaiting rulings on asylum claims."

Obama did it for his entire term in office. :embarrassed:
"Most children held in the Shenandoah facility who were the focus of the abuse lawsuit were caught crossing the border illegally alone."
"Since 2007, about half the 58 beds are occupied by both male and female immigrants between the ages of 12 and 17 facing deportation proceedings or awaiting rulings on asylum claims."

Obama did it for his entire term in office. :embarrassed:

"Most children held in the Shenandoah facility who were the focus of the abuse lawsuit were caught crossing the border illegally alone."

So this to me is why it is important for all of us to dig a little (don't have to go too far, the articles I linked above provide summaries) to distinguish what was happening under Obama and what is new policy from Trump and what is the result of new policy from Trump. Lots of overlap and things to unravel. In the end, I don't like Trump's new policies and strategies, and his approach is making things worse. But he did not make the whole thing happen. Nor did Obama.

It is a shitty situation that needs to get solved. Which brings us back to how that is hard when you are yelling red team blue team at each other, but less politely, and worrying about re-election more than solving problems.
"Most children held in the Shenandoah facility who were the focus of the abuse lawsuit were caught crossing the border illegally alone."

I'm not sure which is worse, dying young in Mexico or being traumatized in foster care in the US.

Also, I should have prefaced my quote with "The Breitbart crowd would say..."
Charlottesville rally organizer requests permit for 'white civil rights rally' in Washington

"The organizer of the deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, last year has applied for a permit to hold a "white civil rights rally" in front of the White House in August."

"The event application was filed by Jason Kessler, the organizer of last year's "Unite the Right" white nationalist rally in Charlottesville that turned deadly.
Kessler requests in the application that the event take place at Lafayette Park, and the application states that the purpose of the event is for "protesting civil rights abuse in Charlottesville," and expects "400" people to participate."

exactly WHICH of his white civil rights were violated in charlottesville, last year? i know that Heather Heyer's civil rights were PERMANENTLY violated by one of his fellow nazis.

these fucking nazis make me ashamed to BE white. :mad:

Hmmmmm. A pack of tooth-challenged, cousin-porking neo-Nazis/Confederates in Washington DC, a city with a strong minority community and surrounded by liberal areas in Virginia and Maryland?


This is the most obvious of traps, designed to provoke a response exactly like the last one. Exactly like the "speaking engagements" of provocateurs like Milo V The Shit, Ann C The Shit, and their fecal fellow travellers. There’s a reason don't hold these events in conservative strongholds: the entire goal is chaos. They want to attract the attention that righteous and misguided overreaction brings, which allows them to spread their vile and logically pathetic ideology.

The ploy is laughably transparent. Chaos and violence in response plays into their hands, and allows them to play the victim and defenders of free speech to their room-temperature IQ supporters, even though anyone with even the barest hint of a clue can see right through it.

The response to this should be like their Charlottesville followup in Boston: a bunch of pathetic big-talkers outnumbered and shown to be the craven shits they truly are.
So this to me is why it is important for all of us to dig a little (don't have to go too far, the articles I linked above provide summaries) to distinguish what was happening under Obama and what is new policy from Trump and what is the result of new policy from Trump. Lots of overlap and things to unravel. In the end, I don't like Trump's new policies and strategies, and his approach is making things worse. But he did not make the whole thing happen. Nor did Obama.

It is a shitty situation that needs to get solved. Which brings us back to how that is hard when you are yelling red team blue team at each other, but less politely, and worrying about re-election more than solving problems.

my point was not under whose admin. this all occured under. my point is that we're treating kids as if they're high value ISIS terrorists at gitmo or some black site in poland.
because, apparently, since they weren't born here, they don't have to be treated like humans.
(this is not aimed at you @sunvalleylaw , i'm just sayin')
Hmmmmm. A pack of tooth-challenged, cousin-porking neo-Nazis/Confederates in Washington DC, a city with a strong minority community and surrounded by liberal areas in Virginia and Maryland?


This is the most obvious of traps, designed to provoke a response exactly like the last one. Exactly like the "speaking engagements" of provocateurs like Milo V The Shit, Ann C The Shit, and their fecal fellow travellers. There’s a reason don't hold these events in conservative strongholds: the entire goal is chaos. They want to attract the attention that righteous and misguided overreaction brings, which allows them to spread their vile and logically pathetic ideology.

The ploy is laughably transparent. Chaos and violence in response plays into their hands, and allows them to play the victim and defenders of free speech to their room-temperature IQ supporters, even though anyone with even the barest hint of a clue can see right through it.

The response to this should be like their Charlottesville followup in Boston: a bunch of pathetic big-talkers outnumbered and shown to be the craven shits they truly are.
And the sad thing is, it only takes one hot-head to give them what they want :(
my point was not under whose admin. this all occured under. my point is that we're treating kids as if they're high value ISIS terrorists at gitmo or some black site in poland.
because, apparently, since they weren't born here, they don't have to be treated like humans.
(this is not aimed at you @sunvalleylaw , i'm just sayin')
Likewise, nothing aimed at you either. No argument here. Just want everyone to do their due diligence and get their facts as best they can, rather than get swept up in the hyperbole too much. Enough to be critical of without going there. And more productive. Again, nothing aimed at you.
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