OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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it seems like both of these statements can't be true. is trump going to pay his legal fees if he flips. or is he saying he wont flip if trump pays his legal fees?

Michael Cohen wants Trump to pay his legal fees—and is reportedly willing to “give info” on him
if cohen gets a grand jury subpeona, he won't have a choice. mueller and team get him on the stand and he tries to pull an Ollie, they're gonna fry his ass. everything's off the table. hard time.
So is Der Trumpmeister going to order the very first "Space Force One" in order to be the first president to have his own executive spacecraft?

Dude! That would be totally bad ass!!

Other world leaders would shit purple twinkies when they see der fuhrer signing stupid executive orders from low Earth orbit. You just know he'd be all "how ya like now bitchez!?".

Fuck it, we're all gonna die because of this asshat, let's make this happen! I don't care where they get the money, BUILD IT NOW!!!

That Beta-carotene blasted buttplug can watch WWIII from orbit and end up having no Earth to return to. Poetry in motion... 21,000 MPH motion!!!

Dooooo eeeeeet!
I'm pretty sure the liftoff would take care of him, so I say let's make this happen.
A former Air Force and NASA career pilot (and husband of my next Congresswoman, Dayna Steele) said,
"I have always been opposed to a Space Force. It increases overhead and complexity in the DoD, further muddies the waters as to jurisdiction in an actual conflict, militarizes space (a supremely bad idea), and would suck resources like you wouldn't believe. The Air Force already does everything they envision for the Space Force. I think it makes as much sense as separating all the submarines from the Navy and starting an Underwater Force. Dumb."
A former Air Force and NASA career pilot (and husband of my next Congresswoman, Dayna Steele) said,
"I have always been opposed to a Space Force. It increases overhead and complexity in the DoD, further muddies the waters as to jurisdiction in an actual conflict, militarizes space (a supremely bad idea), and would suck resources like you wouldn't believe. The Air Force already does everything they envision for the Space Force. I think it makes as much sense as separating all the submarines from the Navy and starting an Underwater Force. Dumb."

Underwater Force is an even dumber name than Space Force. They should be called The Aquabats. Look, they'd even have theme music.

A former Air Force and NASA career pilot (and husband of my next Congresswoman, Dayna Steele) said,
"I have always been opposed to a Space Force. It increases overhead and complexity in the DoD, further muddies the waters as to jurisdiction in an actual conflict, militarizes space (a supremely bad idea), and would suck resources like you wouldn't believe. The Air Force already does everything they envision for the Space Force. I think it makes as much sense as separating all the submarines from the Navy and starting an Underwater Force. Dumb."

Wait, the Dayna Steele from Houston's 97 Rock and later KLOL radio stations?
United's joined in on this, too.

When the airline that beats the fuck out of you and drags you off your flight says that what you're doing is inhumane... You're fucked.

I just read Frontier is also distancing their company. And then Walmart tweeted that the use of an old store is "disturbing". Maybe they'll be so disturbed they'll raise their minimum wage again, and fewer of their employees will live in poverty, but then maybe I shouldn't hold my breath.
I can't wait until tomorrow to see the idiots of Facebook now be supportive of the president's new 'no child prison' executive order, you know, when they wanted kid prisons today. Maybe the argument will be something like "Obama changed his mind on kid prisons, but now that Trump is doing it, you all hate it. So unfair".
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