OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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So is Der Trumpmeister going to order the very first "Space Force One" in order to be the first president to have his own executive spacecraft?

Dude! That would be totally bad ass!!

Other world leaders would shit purple twinkies when they see der fuhrer signing stupid executive orders from low Earth orbit. You just know he'd be all "how ya like now bitchez!?".

Fuck it, we're all gonna die because of this asshat, let's make this happen! I don't care where they get the money, BUILD IT NOW!!!

That Beta-carotene blasted buttplug can watch WWIII from orbit and end up having no Earth to return to. Poetry in motion... 21,000 MPH motion!!!

Dooooo eeeeeet!
So is Der Trumpmeister going to order the very first "Space Force One" in order to be the first president to have his own executive spacecraft?

Dude! That would be totally bad ass!!

Other world leaders would shit purple twinkies when they see der fuhrer signing stupid executive orders from low Earth orbit. You just know he'd be all "how ya like now bitchez!?".

Fuck it, we're all gonna die because of this asshat, let's make this happen! I don't care where they get the money, BUILD IT NOW!!!

That Beta-carotene blasted buttplug can watch WWIII from orbit and end up having no Earth to return to. Poetry in motion... 21,000 MPH motion!!!

Dooooo eeeeeet!

better idea:
build it. when he takes the first ride in it, the rockets have a shut off malfunction and push the craft right out into outer space at 21,000 mph....and then the fuel runs out and he just drifts away AT 21,000 MPH!!!
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“This important role requires the full time attention and dedication of each member. Given the ongoing Mueller and SDNY investigations, that simply is impossible for me to do,” he wrote.

Cohen also criticized the administration's policy of separating migrant children from their parents at the southern border, the first time he’s distanced himself from the president.

Michael Cohen resigns from RNC committee post, sources say


That's what you get for having any faith whatsoever in humanity. :embarrassed:
I gave up faith in humanity and bought some cargo shorts.
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